When I woke up today I went out to get lunch at Subw@y with RA, and we took our sandwiches to the park to eat them. We sat in her car with the air-conditioner running and watched the peddleboats go by on the river while we ate.
When I got home Kim told me we were going to Rachel's to babysit for Maddy while Rachel and Ash go to the movies. So here we are, and Maddy is sleeping in her swing while Kim plays Monkey Island to entertain me, and I am looking things up on the internets to amuse myself.
Kim and I are both a bit achey today because we went to the gym yesterday in the afternoon and worked like animals - we are such gym rats, har har. Actually we are the laziest ones there, and we don't go enough, either. We keep saying we're going to go three times a week, and really, it's a good week if we go once, and a miracle if we go twice!
Yesterday I was almost done and the next-to-the-last machine I worked on was the chest press, and when I finished with that I went over to Kim to tell her something, and as I crossed the floor, reached up with both hands to get my hair off of my face, and omg, my arms were so tired I could barely lift them to my hair! Today they are sore, but we have vowed to go back tomorrow and use our muscles again. Ouch.
When we left the gym, we stepped outside and gasped - or we would have gasped if we had been able to breathe in the thick, soggy air! It was like a sauna! It was so hot and so wet, I swear, we could barely slog to the car! Wow, I am so glad we went to the gym instead of doing the two-mile walk! I imagine that a walk would have been like cutting our way through a rainforest, only my arms were too tired to lift a machete!
So here we are, in Rachel's air-conditioned apartment, playing video games and watching Maddy sleep in the swing (with her head all laying over on one side - it doesn't look comfortable), and we are just enjoying the quiet and the cool. It's not as humid today, so we might take a walk later.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Let me tell you about some weather...
So Rachel brought Maddy over for a walk tonight, and it was looking grey outside, but it had been sunny and beautiful yesterday and today, with some rain last night, but nothing major. Rich, Rachel, Kim and I took Maddy, with Rich pushing her in the stroller, for a walk to amuse her until her bedtime. She's been a bit cranky for a couple of days, and we think she's teething.
We walked our usual two-mile walk, down our street to the cemetary, through the cemetary to American St, where we walk past the parking lot for the city pool, and the Little League baseball diamonds, the skateboard park, and then some more residential blocks, and turn up the street that brings us back home. When we turn to leave the cemetary, at the corner of American, (that's the point at which we are halfway home) we heard the siren that means everyone needs to get out of the pool! The sky had been getting darker, and we had seen a couple of raindrops, but it still wasn't raining.
Apparently when the siren goes to indicate that the pool is closing, it means the baseball games are over, too, because as we walked, we could see people leaving the games and getting into their cars, and then it started to sprinkle a little. We were walking as briskly as we could, which for Rich is pretty fast, since he has long legs, and he was about half a block ahead of us, but he kept turning to wait.
I was really dragging on the walk today because it was so humid I felt like I could hardly breathe! Rachel had been walking beside Rich, but at this point she had dropped back to walk with me, and Kim was just ahead of us. It was starting to rain lightly as we went past the parks and back into the residential neighborhood, and people were taking in their plants and things, and as we turned the last corner to head back to our house, we were getting pretty wet.
It was raining steadily as we went those last few blocks, and Rich was a good block ahead of us, pushing the stroller, when we were about two blocks from home, and he turned to wait for us, under a tree, so Maddy wasn't getting rained on, but we waved him on, and Rachel yelled for him to go home, "Just go, save the baby!" Haha!
By the time we got to the house it was really raining, and all of us were wet! Rich was already inside, drying Maddy off with a towel, and the rest of us were drying off and Rich turned on the Weather Channel to see what they had to say, and apparently there was a severe thunderstorm warning!
As we watched TV, the rain outside got harder and harder and was coming down in sheets, and Rich was running around closing windows, and we started hearing hail! We all ran to the front door to look out at the hail!
The heaviest part of the storm only lasted about 15 minutes, but it was pretty exciting while it lasted!! We were lucky to have gotten in before it got bad!
We walked our usual two-mile walk, down our street to the cemetary, through the cemetary to American St, where we walk past the parking lot for the city pool, and the Little League baseball diamonds, the skateboard park, and then some more residential blocks, and turn up the street that brings us back home. When we turn to leave the cemetary, at the corner of American, (that's the point at which we are halfway home) we heard the siren that means everyone needs to get out of the pool! The sky had been getting darker, and we had seen a couple of raindrops, but it still wasn't raining.
Apparently when the siren goes to indicate that the pool is closing, it means the baseball games are over, too, because as we walked, we could see people leaving the games and getting into their cars, and then it started to sprinkle a little. We were walking as briskly as we could, which for Rich is pretty fast, since he has long legs, and he was about half a block ahead of us, but he kept turning to wait.
I was really dragging on the walk today because it was so humid I felt like I could hardly breathe! Rachel had been walking beside Rich, but at this point she had dropped back to walk with me, and Kim was just ahead of us. It was starting to rain lightly as we went past the parks and back into the residential neighborhood, and people were taking in their plants and things, and as we turned the last corner to head back to our house, we were getting pretty wet.
It was raining steadily as we went those last few blocks, and Rich was a good block ahead of us, pushing the stroller, when we were about two blocks from home, and he turned to wait for us, under a tree, so Maddy wasn't getting rained on, but we waved him on, and Rachel yelled for him to go home, "Just go, save the baby!" Haha!
By the time we got to the house it was really raining, and all of us were wet! Rich was already inside, drying Maddy off with a towel, and the rest of us were drying off and Rich turned on the Weather Channel to see what they had to say, and apparently there was a severe thunderstorm warning!
As we watched TV, the rain outside got harder and harder and was coming down in sheets, and Rich was running around closing windows, and we started hearing hail! We all ran to the front door to look out at the hail!
The heaviest part of the storm only lasted about 15 minutes, but it was pretty exciting while it lasted!! We were lucky to have gotten in before it got bad!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
In which there is walking, and cooking.
This morning I gave a ride to a friend from work who needed me to follow her to where she was dropping off her car and then take her to the college for a morning class, and by the time I got home, I was so tired, I think I might have been endangering myself or other drivers!
I went right to sleep when I got home and when I woke up, Kim was just getting done in the shower. She must have been up late last night writing her 5000 words! (She's writing 5000 a day this month in a determined effort to finish her novel.)
RA was going out to get her nails done, so Kim and I rode along and did some shopping while she was in the salon. Last night Kim was craving cake, so one of the things we bought was a cake mix and also can of frosting, and she was planning to make that tonight.
When we got home, Kim mentioned the cherry tree in the backyard and said she wanted to pick the cherries that are getting ripe. She picked cherries last year with her friend Catsy, so she called Catsy and invited her to sleep over and pick cherries. I haven't seen any cherrypicking so far, but they have been playing video games and cooking. They made shrimp linguine for their supper and they were talking about making that cake.
Rachel showed up with Maddy and insisted that we needed to take a walk, and not only that, but she wanted us to walk three miles instead of our usual two! Eek! She talked me into it, so we fed Maddy and got her ready to go (wearing a very sassy hat), and we set off.
It was hot, and the sun was shining and we walked and walked, and there may have been some whining, but mostly it was okay. Maddy slept for about half of the walk, and then she woke up and just watched the world go by, and we kept her covered with her hat and a light blanket because the sun was really bright, and did I mention that it was hot? Because it was!
When we dragged back into the house I sat on the floor to change Maddy's diaper while Rachel put the stroller away and oh my goodness, I was so hot that sweat was running into my eyes while I changed the baby!
I took a glass of ice water and sat down to watch Kim and Catsy play a video game where they were cooking various recipes and doing chopping and sauteeing, and Maddy was laying on the floor on a blanket. Pretty soon Maddy had rolled onto her stomach and was watching the video game! She watched it for a while and then rolled over onto her back and played with her toes.
Rachel made some dinner for us, but after we ate she needed to get back to her house, so she packed up Maddy and left. It was time for me to get a nap before work, so I went to bed and left the girls in the living room, still 'cooking'.
I went right to sleep when I got home and when I woke up, Kim was just getting done in the shower. She must have been up late last night writing her 5000 words! (She's writing 5000 a day this month in a determined effort to finish her novel.)
RA was going out to get her nails done, so Kim and I rode along and did some shopping while she was in the salon. Last night Kim was craving cake, so one of the things we bought was a cake mix and also can of frosting, and she was planning to make that tonight.
When we got home, Kim mentioned the cherry tree in the backyard and said she wanted to pick the cherries that are getting ripe. She picked cherries last year with her friend Catsy, so she called Catsy and invited her to sleep over and pick cherries. I haven't seen any cherrypicking so far, but they have been playing video games and cooking. They made shrimp linguine for their supper and they were talking about making that cake.
Rachel showed up with Maddy and insisted that we needed to take a walk, and not only that, but she wanted us to walk three miles instead of our usual two! Eek! She talked me into it, so we fed Maddy and got her ready to go (wearing a very sassy hat), and we set off.
It was hot, and the sun was shining and we walked and walked, and there may have been some whining, but mostly it was okay. Maddy slept for about half of the walk, and then she woke up and just watched the world go by, and we kept her covered with her hat and a light blanket because the sun was really bright, and did I mention that it was hot? Because it was!
When we dragged back into the house I sat on the floor to change Maddy's diaper while Rachel put the stroller away and oh my goodness, I was so hot that sweat was running into my eyes while I changed the baby!
I took a glass of ice water and sat down to watch Kim and Catsy play a video game where they were cooking various recipes and doing chopping and sauteeing, and Maddy was laying on the floor on a blanket. Pretty soon Maddy had rolled onto her stomach and was watching the video game! She watched it for a while and then rolled over onto her back and played with her toes.
Rachel made some dinner for us, but after we ate she needed to get back to her house, so she packed up Maddy and left. It was time for me to get a nap before work, so I went to bed and left the girls in the living room, still 'cooking'.
Monday, June 14, 2010
In which Kim is gone and I have to sleep by myself.
The great baby sweater craze of 2010 is dying down at last. I'm finishing the last two baby sweaters, and then I have plans to dedicate my knitting time to finishing Carolyn's Christmas sweater and another little project that is going to be a gift. Then I guess I will make a lot of socks? Or maybe a shawl would be a fun, well not fun, but interesting, long-term project.
Kim went to Wisconsin to visit a friend today, and she'll be back tomorrow. They have plans to hike to some caves, so I told her to pack some long pants and boots, thinking that would protect her from poison ivy and snakebite. She was reaching for her purple patent-leather Docs, but I thought that look was perhaps a little too fancy for hiking and suggested some black ones. Those purple boots would probably attract some snakes!
Rachel brought Maddy over to play this afternoon, and Maddy was a bit cranky. We gave her some holistic teething tablets that were recommended by a friend, and then a dose of Tylenol, just in case the natural remedy didn't work. She took a little nap, but not much and when she woke up she was still pretty fussy, so I don't know how effective either of the remedies were.
Rachel wanted to take the baby for a walk, but I was tired from not sleeping long enough this morning, and also, it looked like rain. It has been one long stretch of rainy days and the wooden frame around the downstairs bathroom door is swollen from roof leakage and humidity - again! Today it was RA's turn to get stuck in that bathroom and Rachel had to help her escape!
So about the time I was talking Rachel out of taking a walk, she got a call from work to say they needed her to come in, so she packed up the baby and headed home to change her clothes and go to work.
As soon as Rachel left, I took my book and went upstairs to read in bed. Kim will sometimes bring her laptop and sit on the bed, computing, to keep me company while I sleep, but she was gone to Wisconsin, so when Rich passed by the door, I asked if he wanted to watch TV on our bed to keep me company, but he wasn't interested. I read for a while and went to sleep, so I guess I showed him!
Kim went to Wisconsin to visit a friend today, and she'll be back tomorrow. They have plans to hike to some caves, so I told her to pack some long pants and boots, thinking that would protect her from poison ivy and snakebite. She was reaching for her purple patent-leather Docs, but I thought that look was perhaps a little too fancy for hiking and suggested some black ones. Those purple boots would probably attract some snakes!
Rachel brought Maddy over to play this afternoon, and Maddy was a bit cranky. We gave her some holistic teething tablets that were recommended by a friend, and then a dose of Tylenol, just in case the natural remedy didn't work. She took a little nap, but not much and when she woke up she was still pretty fussy, so I don't know how effective either of the remedies were.
Rachel wanted to take the baby for a walk, but I was tired from not sleeping long enough this morning, and also, it looked like rain. It has been one long stretch of rainy days and the wooden frame around the downstairs bathroom door is swollen from roof leakage and humidity - again! Today it was RA's turn to get stuck in that bathroom and Rachel had to help her escape!
So about the time I was talking Rachel out of taking a walk, she got a call from work to say they needed her to come in, so she packed up the baby and headed home to change her clothes and go to work.
As soon as Rachel left, I took my book and went upstairs to read in bed. Kim will sometimes bring her laptop and sit on the bed, computing, to keep me company while I sleep, but she was gone to Wisconsin, so when Rich passed by the door, I asked if he wanted to watch TV on our bed to keep me company, but he wasn't interested. I read for a while and went to sleep, so I guess I showed him!
Monday, June 7, 2010
The weekend is a blur. I think there was cake.
I had three days off and I can't remember anything I did. Oh wait, I went to a wedding reception on Friday, but I was only there for about 20 minutes. On Saturday I spent an hour at an open house for a friend's son, and I cut cake and poured punch the whole time, so I was busy and talked to lots of people as I passed out cake. But what was I doing the rest of the time? It's a puzzle.
There was an hour or so on Saturday afternoon when I went to RA's to see her grandchildren, and I was quietly texting Rachel to come over because I have to tell you something - I am not that interested in children that I am not related to! So I was holding a sleeping baby, and watching the other little girl run around, and I just wanted to leave! But you know, RA is always kind enough to pretend to be interested in my grandchildren, so I felt like I owed her.
Rachel brought Maddy to RA's house, and then RA's daughter and Rachel went to get ice cream and left the babies with us! I had already had enough of kids by then, but I am always happy to see Maddy, and she rolled around on the floor to amuse me. Thanks, Mads!
On Sunday, Heidi, my knitting friend who moved to San Diego but is visiting for a few days, came over to my house in the afternoon to knit with me. She worked on a Baby Surprise Sweater that I had just started, so now she knows how to count ridges and do the double decreases, and while she did that we talked and I sewed up two and a half finished sweaters and grafted together the toe of a sock!
So now I have finished Baby Surprise Sweaters to show you, and I will, really I will, just as soon as I cast off the one that is almost done. Then I'll have an unsewn one to show with a sewn one.
What I'm reading today:
Mrs. McGinty's Dead by Agatha Christie. I have lots of Agatha Christie books at home, but I do not have all of them. This is one I know I read a long time ago, but I couldn't remember it, so I bought it for my Kindle and read it at work last night. Tonight I am going to read Murder on the Blue Train.
What I'm eating today:
Rachel and Maddy came to our house this afternoon and we all went for a walk. Afterward Rachel made Chicken with Mushrooms in a really good mustardy sauce, and it was great.
What I'm knitting today:
I've got one Baby Surprise Sweater, almost done, on the coffee table at home, and another one about halfway done, sitting here at work with me. I have yarn for one more at home in the Yarn Room, and I think when that one is finished, I will be done with these little sweaters for a while. I have baby gifts for everyone! Now I really need to focus on finishing Carolyn's Christmas sweater!
There was an hour or so on Saturday afternoon when I went to RA's to see her grandchildren, and I was quietly texting Rachel to come over because I have to tell you something - I am not that interested in children that I am not related to! So I was holding a sleeping baby, and watching the other little girl run around, and I just wanted to leave! But you know, RA is always kind enough to pretend to be interested in my grandchildren, so I felt like I owed her.
Rachel brought Maddy to RA's house, and then RA's daughter and Rachel went to get ice cream and left the babies with us! I had already had enough of kids by then, but I am always happy to see Maddy, and she rolled around on the floor to amuse me. Thanks, Mads!
On Sunday, Heidi, my knitting friend who moved to San Diego but is visiting for a few days, came over to my house in the afternoon to knit with me. She worked on a Baby Surprise Sweater that I had just started, so now she knows how to count ridges and do the double decreases, and while she did that we talked and I sewed up two and a half finished sweaters and grafted together the toe of a sock!
So now I have finished Baby Surprise Sweaters to show you, and I will, really I will, just as soon as I cast off the one that is almost done. Then I'll have an unsewn one to show with a sewn one.
What I'm reading today:
Mrs. McGinty's Dead by Agatha Christie. I have lots of Agatha Christie books at home, but I do not have all of them. This is one I know I read a long time ago, but I couldn't remember it, so I bought it for my Kindle and read it at work last night. Tonight I am going to read Murder on the Blue Train.
What I'm eating today:
Rachel and Maddy came to our house this afternoon and we all went for a walk. Afterward Rachel made Chicken with Mushrooms in a really good mustardy sauce, and it was great.
What I'm knitting today:
I've got one Baby Surprise Sweater, almost done, on the coffee table at home, and another one about halfway done, sitting here at work with me. I have yarn for one more at home in the Yarn Room, and I think when that one is finished, I will be done with these little sweaters for a while. I have baby gifts for everyone! Now I really need to focus on finishing Carolyn's Christmas sweater!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Another night of writing dangerously.
Rachel just put a new post on our cooking blog, so if you want to take a look at it, go here.
Kim and I went to the gym today and we worked hard! Kim is using an ab machine called the Red Devil, and I took a couple of pictures to show. They're a little blurry because I took them with my cell phone.
Here is the machine itself - note the horns at the top!

And here is Kim, working her abs!

After the gym, Kim and Sando started working on their novels again - they wanted to do another 5000 words, but they were having a little trouble getting focused. They usually write in the living room, but Sando's brother had come with him and was playing a video game that was distracting them, and then Kim got a phone call, and I had a funny story to tell them, so they just couldn't get any work done. They took their computers to the dining room, and set up in there, along with their animal mascots, a little panda bear for Kim, and an orangutang for Sando. The monkey was borrowed from my desk, because Kim didn't want to share the panda.
I went upstairs and cleaned my room, and then I stayed up there to read my book and knit on another Baby Surprise Sweater (this is the fourth one, I think, no maybe it's the fifth!). I'm reading a book on my Kindle called Talk of the Town by Lisa Wingate. It was one of the books that were offered for free, and it's pretty good.
I was dozing later and I heard Sando leave and come back, and also, there was a pizza delivery. When I woke up to come to work, I found that Sando Jr. had gone home, and Kim and Sando were hard at work at the dining room table, surrounded by empty pizza boxes and Mountain Dew bottles, so it looks like they are getting some work done.
Kim and I went to the gym today and we worked hard! Kim is using an ab machine called the Red Devil, and I took a couple of pictures to show. They're a little blurry because I took them with my cell phone.
Here is the machine itself - note the horns at the top!

And here is Kim, working her abs!

After the gym, Kim and Sando started working on their novels again - they wanted to do another 5000 words, but they were having a little trouble getting focused. They usually write in the living room, but Sando's brother had come with him and was playing a video game that was distracting them, and then Kim got a phone call, and I had a funny story to tell them, so they just couldn't get any work done. They took their computers to the dining room, and set up in there, along with their animal mascots, a little panda bear for Kim, and an orangutang for Sando. The monkey was borrowed from my desk, because Kim didn't want to share the panda.
I went upstairs and cleaned my room, and then I stayed up there to read my book and knit on another Baby Surprise Sweater (this is the fourth one, I think, no maybe it's the fifth!). I'm reading a book on my Kindle called Talk of the Town by Lisa Wingate. It was one of the books that were offered for free, and it's pretty good.
I was dozing later and I heard Sando leave and come back, and also, there was a pizza delivery. When I woke up to come to work, I found that Sando Jr. had gone home, and Kim and Sando were hard at work at the dining room table, surrounded by empty pizza boxes and Mountain Dew bottles, so it looks like they are getting some work done.
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