Saturday, August 15, 2009

In which I went to the movies alone.

So yesterday was a long long day. I woke up too early, because I didn't work the night before, and I went out to breakfast with RA, which wasn't the worst part of the day because we had bacon and eggs and American fries, and there was extra bacon for me because RA couldn't eat all of hers. I love bacon!

Then we stopped at RA's house to pick up a Slip N Slide for Kim to take her YSA activity today, and also, RA was loaning me her vacuum, because I have just the cheapest possible cordless vacuum, which is fine if you only have to do some light vacuuming, but now that I don't have a regular cleaning lady, I needed to do some serious vacuuming!

I brought the vacuum home but I didn't start using it right away. I sat down to play some of the very addicting solitaire game I've been playing on facebook, and promised myself that I would vacuum as soon as I lost a round of solitaire. So that's what I was doing, playing a little, vacuuming a little, playing some more, and then I went downstairs to put in some laundry before I played any more, but when I got to the basement I found that one (or both) of the cats had peed on the floor down there, because why would they want to mess up their nice clean litterbox? So I wiped up cat pee, threw some clothes in the washer, and went back upstairs to tell Rich I am going to change the cats' names to Urinal and Weewee, becaues they are so obnoxious!

Then I got a message from Kim, asking me to bring the Slip N Slide over so she could lay it out for the boys she is babysitting this summer, and she could see how big it is, and they could play on it.

I needed to go out to put gas in the car anyway, and by the way, eek! My mini-van was so empty and the price of gas is so high that it cost $60 to fill the tank!

I made the drop off to Kim, and suggested she might want to call Sando to come over and help set it up, and she snarled at me in the haggiest voice imaginable that she wasn't going to call him, and that all I want is for her to get hooked up with Sando! Oh, I'm so sorry, I just thought it would be more fun with more people!

Then I came home and yelled at Rich because Kim was a filthy little ungrateful ape, and he suggested helpfully that I should maybe take something to calm myself, and then lay down? He has no idea how aggravating Kim has been lately, with the continual bitching because all these stupid, selfish, insensitive males have the rude audacity to want to date her! She accidently made plans with two of them for the same night, and was all pissed off about it, because she really didn't want to do anything with either of them. Can't she just have some time to herself??

I sat back down in the den, thinking hateful thoughts about Rich, who was sitting in the living room eating his lunch and happily watching When Sharks Attack or something stupid like that on the Discovery channel, and also about Kim and her filthy little ape-ishness, and then instead of feeling hateful all afternoon, I got up and went to the movies.

I went to see Julie & Julia and it was charming. The theater was quiet and cool, and I had a sock to knit, so it was perfect. Just me and about 30 old people enjoying a matinee. I sat at the end of the last row, and farther down the row was a white-haired old dear, eating popcorn, and, the oddest thing, in the middle of the movie she took a picture of the screen with her cell phone camera, which was slightly annoying, but I had to give her credit for knowing how to use it!

So that was a happy break in the day, and when I got home I felt much better about my life. Later I talked to Kat about the talk I'm supposed to give her in ward tomorrow and then I actually started preparing the talk, so I was able to go to sleep knowing that was taken care of. It's not completely done, but it's well on the way.

Kim went off to her activity carrying the Slip N Slide and another several feet of plastic to make it longer, because thanks to my idea of setting it up to see how it looked (you're welcome), she decided it needs to be longer, and she and Rich went out this morning and bought some heavy plastic to add to the length and also some soap bubble stuff to make it slippery-er! I hope no one gets hurt!

1 comment :

  1. hee hee, weewee and urinal. I chuckle every time I think about it.
