I don't think I've mentioned this before (because why would I?) but Axel in Security has to have a break every night so he can take a poop, usually around 12:15, but tonight it was about 12:20 or 12:30, and oh my goodness, it takes him forever to poop!! WTH?? So tonight he’s on his poop break, and Maintenance was standing by with a crazy ER patient, so I get a call from one of the alarm companies, and BTW, I hate them, because they are rude and not helpful. They asked if we have an emergency situation? And I said not that I’m aware of, I don’t have any alarms going off here, and then they asked for the passcode. I said, "What building are you calling about?" And instead of telling me, she asks me again for the passcode.
I don’t know the passcode - I think it’s a certain number, but I wasn’t sure - so I put her on hold and called Security, who is still in the bathroom and can’t tell me the passcode. What?? So I go back to the alarm company call and said Security isn’t available, and she asks for the passcode again, and I said I don’t have it, and she asked for my name, and I told her and she said, “You don’t have the passcode,” and hung up!
So then Security called me on the phone, and I told him she hung up, and he said the passcode is a certain number and I said, "Why didn’t you tell me that before?" And he says because the ER admitting area has a police band radio, and the security radio can be heard over it, and he didn’t want anyone to hear the passcode and he didn’t have his phone with him. Fine, he didn’t take his cellphone to the bathroom with him? I hate him.
THEN he hears a message coming over his radio, and he listens and laughs and says the alarm company is sending the police to the building that had the alarm and they said over the radio that Audrey didn’t know the passcode. Can you believe that?
So I wrote it down on my log sheet, and as I was writing it all down, I got a call from someone else at the Alarm Company of the Damned to let me know they had called for the police to be dispatched to that building, and she called it by name and gave me the address, too, thanks, because they had an alarm and Audrey didn’t know the password. So now they can tell me what building it is?
Of course now Security is free to toddle over to that building to see what the problem is, because he has finished his nightly poo, and he asks me to let Maintenance know he will have to continue standing by in the ER with the patient until Security gets back. Haha, I’m sure John from Maintenance is having a great time up there. He was warned about the Poo Breaks when he started working midnights after Mike the Gossip King retired. The Gossip King used to be the one who always got the call to watch a patient in ER while Security took his breaks, which is why the entire hospital knows about the Poo Breaks and snickers about them behind Axel's back.
As soon as I hung up from the Alarm Company call, I got a call from another alarm monitoring system to let me know that they have a Supervisory Signal at another one of the network buildings. They get those on a regular basis, but I haven’t cracked the code of that schedule yet. No one seems to know what a Supervisory Signal is, either. I have asked the alarm people, security, and maintenance, and no one knows, so now when I get one, I write it on my log and don’t even bother to report it to anyone.
And I am not kidding, as soon as I finished writing that call on my log, I got a call from the same drunk woman who has called me every night starting at the night before Christmas Eve, and she asks about getting admitted to the detox program. This has happened every night, and every night I give her the information that we do not admit anyone to the program at night and she needs to call in the daytime, and that if she is sick she can go to the ER and they will keep her there until she can be admitted in the morning. We have done this dance every night!! I am so sick of it! So I go over it again and this time she wants to know if we have any available beds, so I put her on hold and call the night nursing supervisor, who has also spoken to her, one night last week, and she looks it up and says no we don’t have any available bed for her in the detox unit. I told the caller that, and she said okay and waited, and I didn’t say anything else and finally she said thanks and hung up.
Can you see why a person might feel a bit frazzled?
Also, Avatar was pretty but NOT epic, like Lucas said on Facebook, so he was wrong and now I am looking forward to seeing Sherlock Holmes. Probably this weekend.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Why I hate my life today.
It rained all day on Christmas Eve day, and most of Christmas Day, too, and the bathroom ceiling that has not leaked since I had the roof re-shingled two years ago started leaking again. I feel so ghetto now. It's like living in a tenement.
The basement leaked, too, but that is a local phenomenon, where everyone in town gets water in their basement, just some more than others. So I was already sad about the bathroom ceiling leakage, and the pathetic bowls and towels that we had to set in strategic places on the floor to catch the water, and the cats were dodging the drops to eat from their bowls, and then I went down to the basement to do the laundry and slipped in the water on the floor and landed on my knee! Ow sweetie! Ow dahling! Oh, the humanity.
Ironically, today is the day when the handyman dropped off the quote for the job of replacing the ruined bathroom ceiling, because a month ago I asked him to come look at it, thinking that after two years (maybe it's only one year, I can't remember when we had it done) of not leaking we were home free and could get the ceiling repaired. So yeah, that won't be happening for a while yet.
Kim was gone when I got up and Rich said she had gone to lunch with Sando and then they were going somewhere else, but he forgot where. I texted her and it turned out that the Somewhere Else was Sando's house, because he had a new game they wanted to play. Later she texted me and said that she and Sando, Divad, and Sando's little brother, Sando Jr, were all just sitting in his basement, each of them doing something by themselves on their laptops. Sounds like a fun party, doesn't it?
I went out with RA to mail packages at the post office, and I was pretty cranky, mostly about the bathroom ceiling. I told her that Rich was accusing me of having PMS, and she said he might be right about that. Then she gave me some chocolate, so that helped, but maybe it was just to shut me up.
The basement leaked, too, but that is a local phenomenon, where everyone in town gets water in their basement, just some more than others. So I was already sad about the bathroom ceiling leakage, and the pathetic bowls and towels that we had to set in strategic places on the floor to catch the water, and the cats were dodging the drops to eat from their bowls, and then I went down to the basement to do the laundry and slipped in the water on the floor and landed on my knee! Ow sweetie! Ow dahling! Oh, the humanity.
Ironically, today is the day when the handyman dropped off the quote for the job of replacing the ruined bathroom ceiling, because a month ago I asked him to come look at it, thinking that after two years (maybe it's only one year, I can't remember when we had it done) of not leaking we were home free and could get the ceiling repaired. So yeah, that won't be happening for a while yet.
Kim was gone when I got up and Rich said she had gone to lunch with Sando and then they were going somewhere else, but he forgot where. I texted her and it turned out that the Somewhere Else was Sando's house, because he had a new game they wanted to play. Later she texted me and said that she and Sando, Divad, and Sando's little brother, Sando Jr, were all just sitting in his basement, each of them doing something by themselves on their laptops. Sounds like a fun party, doesn't it?
I went out with RA to mail packages at the post office, and I was pretty cranky, mostly about the bathroom ceiling. I told her that Rich was accusing me of having PMS, and she said he might be right about that. Then she gave me some chocolate, so that helped, but maybe it was just to shut me up.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Well THAT'S over!
The most fun I had this weekend was playing Euchre on Christmas Eve with Rich's parents. Rachel was my partner in the first game, and Kim was my partner for the second, and it was so much fun! I love Euchre and I hardly ever have anyone to play with, so it was a treat for me.
The second most fun thing we did was this morning when we all watched the DVD Ash put together of some family home movies! There were movies from Christmas 1989 and 1994, and the kids were so cute! Some of the other movies are of Kim getting a bath when she was a fairly new baby, and one that Rachel and Scott made themselves in which Scott demonstrates his talent at making armpit noises.
This is the first year in a long time that we didn't watch A Christmas Story all day on TV, because we don't have cable! This is also the first time I've missed cable!
The second most fun thing we did was this morning when we all watched the DVD Ash put together of some family home movies! There were movies from Christmas 1989 and 1994, and the kids were so cute! Some of the other movies are of Kim getting a bath when she was a fairly new baby, and one that Rachel and Scott made themselves in which Scott demonstrates his talent at making armpit noises.
This is the first year in a long time that we didn't watch A Christmas Story all day on TV, because we don't have cable! This is also the first time I've missed cable!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I love my red laptop!
Okay, so Kim got home Thursday night at 11, and Rich was sleeping, so I helped her bring her bags in from the car. She had several bags, and the biggest one is a monster! Of course that one is the one I dropped on my ankle, and it's still sore!
Friday morning I was going out to breakfast with RA, and Kim heard me talking about it, because even when she is asleep, the phrase "go out to breakfast" penetrates her consciousness, and she murmured, "Are you going out for breakfast?" I told her she could go to if she got up right now and got dressed, and then I went into her room and shook out the clothes she had taken off the night before and told her to put them back on.
After breakfast we went to W@lmart because RA needed to get a few things for the little party she was planning for Sunday afternoon, and I bought Paper Mario for the Wii for Kim, and she has been playing it almost constantly since then.
While Kim plays Paper Mario, I have been knitting on a sweater for Soren. It's made of a bluey-purple tweedy wool, with a letter S on the front. The S is knitted in intarsia, and I hate intarsia, but I wanted to make this sweater - it's a Weasley Sweater! So I sat there last night and worked on it until that stinking S was finished! When the sweater is sewn together and blocked, I'll post a picture of it, because it does look kind of good.
It's been a little strange having Kim home playing video games and not having Sando parked on the couch with his laptop, but he's out of town this weekend. He'll be back tomorrow, and I'm ready for him! I've got cinnamon rolls to bake, frozen pizzas, and Mountain Dew!
Oh, I almost forgot this, but in between video games, Kim is working on a laptop exchange. She has so muchcrap important stuff stored on her laptop that there isn't enough memory for her to play Guild Wars properly, and she said she wanted to try playing it on my laptop, to see if it would run better.
My laptop has hardly anything on it, since I mostly use it just for checking Facebook and watching TV shows in bed, so Guild Wars ran beautifully on it, and Rich says my laptop also has more memory because it is newer, so Kim is trading laptops with me - again.
Remember last Christmas when we did the big laptop switch? Rachel's was old, mine was new, and Kim's was only a year old, so Kim gave hers to Rachel, I gave mine to Kim, and Rachel gave me her old one, since I didn't really need one (see above). Well, a few months later, Rich got another new one for me when there was a big sale, and that's the one Kim is getting now. I don't mind, I'm getting my cool red laptop back!
So here at the House of Laptops, Kim has borrowed an external hard drive from Rich's office, and she's using it to move programs from one computer to the other. She should be done tonight, so we can shut down that operation, which is set up on the couch and the folding table in the living room.
This afternoon I went to the party at RA's house, and I took Kim with me just to ride along, and eat cookies. It was a good thing Kim went, because RA wasn't quite done setting things up, so Kim made a couple of trips to the basement and also, climbed on a chair to light candles, so she earned her cookies. I didn't plan to stay long, which is another reason why I took Kim, so that when I was ready to leave, I could say that we had to go, because Kim had a 'thing'. On the way home, Kim was speculating on what the 'thing' could be, in case anyone asked her about it later. Leave your suggestions in the comments.
Friday morning I was going out to breakfast with RA, and Kim heard me talking about it, because even when she is asleep, the phrase "go out to breakfast" penetrates her consciousness, and she murmured, "Are you going out for breakfast?" I told her she could go to if she got up right now and got dressed, and then I went into her room and shook out the clothes she had taken off the night before and told her to put them back on.
After breakfast we went to W@lmart because RA needed to get a few things for the little party she was planning for Sunday afternoon, and I bought Paper Mario for the Wii for Kim, and she has been playing it almost constantly since then.
While Kim plays Paper Mario, I have been knitting on a sweater for Soren. It's made of a bluey-purple tweedy wool, with a letter S on the front. The S is knitted in intarsia, and I hate intarsia, but I wanted to make this sweater - it's a Weasley Sweater! So I sat there last night and worked on it until that stinking S was finished! When the sweater is sewn together and blocked, I'll post a picture of it, because it does look kind of good.
It's been a little strange having Kim home playing video games and not having Sando parked on the couch with his laptop, but he's out of town this weekend. He'll be back tomorrow, and I'm ready for him! I've got cinnamon rolls to bake, frozen pizzas, and Mountain Dew!
Oh, I almost forgot this, but in between video games, Kim is working on a laptop exchange. She has so much
My laptop has hardly anything on it, since I mostly use it just for checking Facebook and watching TV shows in bed, so Guild Wars ran beautifully on it, and Rich says my laptop also has more memory because it is newer, so Kim is trading laptops with me - again.
Remember last Christmas when we did the big laptop switch? Rachel's was old, mine was new, and Kim's was only a year old, so Kim gave hers to Rachel, I gave mine to Kim, and Rachel gave me her old one, since I didn't really need one (see above). Well, a few months later, Rich got another new one for me when there was a big sale, and that's the one Kim is getting now. I don't mind, I'm getting my cool red laptop back!
So here at the House of Laptops, Kim has borrowed an external hard drive from Rich's office, and she's using it to move programs from one computer to the other. She should be done tonight, so we can shut down that operation, which is set up on the couch and the folding table in the living room.
This afternoon I went to the party at RA's house, and I took Kim with me just to ride along, and eat cookies. It was a good thing Kim went, because RA wasn't quite done setting things up, so Kim made a couple of trips to the basement and also, climbed on a chair to light candles, so she earned her cookies. I didn't plan to stay long, which is another reason why I took Kim, so that when I was ready to leave, I could say that we had to go, because Kim had a 'thing'. On the way home, Kim was speculating on what the 'thing' could be, in case anyone asked her about it later. Leave your suggestions in the comments.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
In which Finals are finished.
I haven't slept much the last couple of days, so I'm getting pretty tired. This morning about 4 a.m., I could hardly keep my eyes open at work, and then I went to breakfast with Diane from the lab, and by the time I got home, I was sleepy, so instead of farming, I went straight to bed.
I was almost asleep when suddenly I was awake again, and I tossed and turned, and fought with my pillow, and then the doorbell rang. I waited a minute, but Rich didn't go downstairs to answer it, and I wasn't dressed for answering the door, so I had to get up and go call up to the office to Rich and tell him the doorbell rang.
Rich said he couldn't hear the doorbell from his office, and that's why he didn't answer it. He went downstairs and I went back to bed, and I could hear voices downstairs, and then Rich stopped in on his way back upstairs to tell me that one of the kids from church, a boy about Kim's age, had locked himself out of his apartment, which is three or four blocks away, and walked over to our house so he'd have someplace warm to wait until his roommate got back at noon. It was -3, so he'd had a cold walk to our house!
I slept after that, but I kept waking up and checking the time, and finally I got up at 1:30. The kid was gone by then, and Rich said he'd just slept on the couch all morning.
I went out with RA, but when I'm tired, my tolerance goes down and I can't listen to babbling, so I was happy to get back home again. I worked on my farm, and Kim's, and I chatted with Kim over the internets about her day.
Kim was feeling harrassed and overworked, but she was getting things done! When I talked to her later, she had turned in some things and was feeling better about her life. She's getting past the end of semester panicking, and just starting the worry about grades, which will peak during the next week, as she has time to sit and wonder and chew her nails over whether she is going to get the As and Bs that she is expecting, or if she will be sideswiped by an unexpected C. I don't think Kim has ever gotten a C, but she worries about the possibility and fears them like other people fear werewolves or spiders.
I tried to sleep before I came to work tonight, but that didn't really happen either, so here I am, and I'm planning to take some Tylenol PM in the morning, and to sleep well tomorrow. Kim will be home in the evening, so I'll have plenty of time to put clean sheets on her bed and make a Spanish Omelet to welcome her.
I was almost asleep when suddenly I was awake again, and I tossed and turned, and fought with my pillow, and then the doorbell rang. I waited a minute, but Rich didn't go downstairs to answer it, and I wasn't dressed for answering the door, so I had to get up and go call up to the office to Rich and tell him the doorbell rang.
Rich said he couldn't hear the doorbell from his office, and that's why he didn't answer it. He went downstairs and I went back to bed, and I could hear voices downstairs, and then Rich stopped in on his way back upstairs to tell me that one of the kids from church, a boy about Kim's age, had locked himself out of his apartment, which is three or four blocks away, and walked over to our house so he'd have someplace warm to wait until his roommate got back at noon. It was -3, so he'd had a cold walk to our house!
I slept after that, but I kept waking up and checking the time, and finally I got up at 1:30. The kid was gone by then, and Rich said he'd just slept on the couch all morning.
I went out with RA, but when I'm tired, my tolerance goes down and I can't listen to babbling, so I was happy to get back home again. I worked on my farm, and Kim's, and I chatted with Kim over the internets about her day.
Kim was feeling harrassed and overworked, but she was getting things done! When I talked to her later, she had turned in some things and was feeling better about her life. She's getting past the end of semester panicking, and just starting the worry about grades, which will peak during the next week, as she has time to sit and wonder and chew her nails over whether she is going to get the As and Bs that she is expecting, or if she will be sideswiped by an unexpected C. I don't think Kim has ever gotten a C, but she worries about the possibility and fears them like other people fear werewolves or spiders.
I tried to sleep before I came to work tonight, but that didn't really happen either, so here I am, and I'm planning to take some Tylenol PM in the morning, and to sleep well tomorrow. Kim will be home in the evening, so I'll have plenty of time to put clean sheets on her bed and make a Spanish Omelet to welcome her.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
In which Evil goes back in the freezer.
This is a copy of the study schedule that Rachel made for Kim, to help Kim get through finals week. I thought it was funny, so I'm sharing it here:
Kim's Finals Week Plan
*Review poetry notes and put concepts in your journal.
*Put journal in the freezer so you don't have to think about it anymore and go to bed at midnight.
*Counseling appointment in the morning, take your notebook with you so you can work on the prologue on the bus and anytime you have down time.
*Scheduled appointment with group. You can totally get the Chinese video finished, edited and done before your group meeting is over. Get it uploaded before going back to your apartment so you don't have to think about it anymore.
*Finishing typing up your story and revising once the Chinese thing is finished and you're back home. You've been working on it during the day, so it's not going to be too bad. I would even send it to Mom once the revisions are made so she can proof-read and you don't have to think about it.
*Before going to bed, take your journal out of the freezer. Revel in the lovely coldness of the notebook and review your notes for 15-30 min. before bed. Don't do it for longer than this. Then put your notebook back in the freezer and go to bed.
*If you have some extra time, do some of your Chinese take-home test. Just answer the easy questions, the ones you can do without thinking, so you can feel good that you know what your talking about. Any hard ones, leave for Wednesday.
*15-30 min. before poetry exam, review journal one more time. Keep those notes in the freezer until absolutely the last minute. That way when your reviewing they might still be cold. It will be lovely.
*Finish up your Chinese take-home test. Since you did the easy problems yesterday you won't have as much to deal with and you can feel more in control. Get that turned in.
*Mom should have sent the proof-read copy of your story to your email. Read it one more time and send it to your teacher. Woot! One more thing done.
*Curl up on the couch with some hot cocoa and start reviewing your Chinese articles. Do you really need 50? I mean, come on. It's just a final. Either way. Decide the articles that you are actually going to use, put them in the freezer before bed and you can finish up the project in the morning.
*Alright, you've made it. Last thing to do. Work on your Chinese project and get it finished up. You already made some headway yesterday, so it's not going to be too bad. Turn it in.
*Guess what? Now you're done!! You get to come home. Go get some gas in your car. Get some McDonald's. Mom and I will make sure you have money in your account for both. Get a shake to drink on the way home!! You totally get to relax when you get home. It's going to be lovely. Use the Garmin on the drive back.
You can totally do this Kim! If you start panicking, give me a call. I will have my phone with me at work and you know Mom will be available too. We've totally got your back!!
Love you smalls,
PS. If I missed anything, let me know. Send me an email and I'll work it into your schedule. And don't forget the importance of putting things in the freezer. Some things just need to chill.
*Review poetry notes and put concepts in your journal.
*Put journal in the freezer so you don't have to think about it anymore and go to bed at midnight.
*Counseling appointment in the morning, take your notebook with you so you can work on the prologue on the bus and anytime you have down time.
*Scheduled appointment with group. You can totally get the Chinese video finished, edited and done before your group meeting is over. Get it uploaded before going back to your apartment so you don't have to think about it anymore.
*Finishing typing up your story and revising once the Chinese thing is finished and you're back home. You've been working on it during the day, so it's not going to be too bad. I would even send it to Mom once the revisions are made so she can proof-read and you don't have to think about it.
*Before going to bed, take your journal out of the freezer. Revel in the lovely coldness of the notebook and review your notes for 15-30 min. before bed. Don't do it for longer than this. Then put your notebook back in the freezer and go to bed.
*If you have some extra time, do some of your Chinese take-home test. Just answer the easy questions, the ones you can do without thinking, so you can feel good that you know what your talking about. Any hard ones, leave for Wednesday.
*15-30 min. before poetry exam, review journal one more time. Keep those notes in the freezer until absolutely the last minute. That way when your reviewing they might still be cold. It will be lovely.
*Finish up your Chinese take-home test. Since you did the easy problems yesterday you won't have as much to deal with and you can feel more in control. Get that turned in.
*Mom should have sent the proof-read copy of your story to your email. Read it one more time and send it to your teacher. Woot! One more thing done.
*Curl up on the couch with some hot cocoa and start reviewing your Chinese articles. Do you really need 50? I mean, come on. It's just a final. Either way. Decide the articles that you are actually going to use, put them in the freezer before bed and you can finish up the project in the morning.
*Alright, you've made it. Last thing to do. Work on your Chinese project and get it finished up. You already made some headway yesterday, so it's not going to be too bad. Turn it in.
*Guess what? Now you're done!! You get to come home. Go get some gas in your car. Get some McDonald's. Mom and I will make sure you have money in your account for both. Get a shake to drink on the way home!! You totally get to relax when you get home. It's going to be lovely. Use the Garmin on the drive back.
You can totally do this Kim! If you start panicking, give me a call. I will have my phone with me at work and you know Mom will be available too. We've totally got your back!!
Love you smalls,
PS. If I missed anything, let me know. Send me an email and I'll work it into your schedule. And don't forget the importance of putting things in the freezer. Some things just need to chill.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I am choosing to be happy.
I've been in a crabby mood all day, at least I have been since RA suddenly started getting sick after church, by which I mean she is showing symptoms that her cellulitis might be back. That is, according to her husband, and if he is wrong, and she just has a little virus, well then I am sorry for the mean things I said to many people today about her bad medication habits.
RA's husband told me that she stopped taking her antibiotic, and now that she thinks her infection is coming back, she thinks maybe she should take the rest of the pills she had left when she decided she didn't need to take them anymore. I can't express my fury at hearing that, although I have told several people today how mad that makes me, that she is so stupid that even after we have talked (more than once) about why it's a bad thing to stop taking your antibiotics before you finish all of them - super virus, anyone? - so I just can't talk about it anymore. Just know that I am angry.
So moving on from the topic of Frustrating Friends, the good news is that Karin had her new baby and I could not be happier for her! She was a big baby, too, for a first one - she weighed 8 lbs! Good job, Karin!
In other news, I owe thanks to Diana for taking care of my farm tonight. I talked to her on the phone in the afternoon, mostly to rant about the previously mentioned problem with RA, and while I was talking to her I was checking my farm. My strawberries were almost ready to harvest but I was so sleepy! I needed to get a nap before work, and Diana said she would check them later and take care of them if I didn't. When I woke up tonight, I looked at my farm, and she had harvested the strawberries and planted something else! Thanks, Diana!
This is finals week for Kim, and then she'll be home Thursday evening to sit on our couch and play video games to entertain me! Haha, that's what I wish would happen, but the truth is that she will sit on the couch perusing her favorite websites on her laptop and ignore me.
What I'm knitting tonight:
I'm making a cowl for Joe of Joe and Rondee, who needs a face-protector while he's working, and scarves just won't stay up over his face the way he wants them to. It's an easy, soothing project for someone who is on her last nerve and has had a constant headache for a week, so tonight I'm going to just knit and try to be zen.
RA's husband told me that she stopped taking her antibiotic, and now that she thinks her infection is coming back, she thinks maybe she should take the rest of the pills she had left when she decided she didn't need to take them anymore. I can't express my fury at hearing that, although I have told several people today how mad that makes me, that she is so stupid that even after we have talked (more than once) about why it's a bad thing to stop taking your antibiotics before you finish all of them - super virus, anyone? - so I just can't talk about it anymore. Just know that I am angry.
So moving on from the topic of Frustrating Friends, the good news is that Karin had her new baby and I could not be happier for her! She was a big baby, too, for a first one - she weighed 8 lbs! Good job, Karin!
In other news, I owe thanks to Diana for taking care of my farm tonight. I talked to her on the phone in the afternoon, mostly to rant about the previously mentioned problem with RA, and while I was talking to her I was checking my farm. My strawberries were almost ready to harvest but I was so sleepy! I needed to get a nap before work, and Diana said she would check them later and take care of them if I didn't. When I woke up tonight, I looked at my farm, and she had harvested the strawberries and planted something else! Thanks, Diana!
This is finals week for Kim, and then she'll be home Thursday evening to sit on our couch and play video games to entertain me! Haha, that's what I wish would happen, but the truth is that she will sit on the couch perusing her favorite websites on her laptop and ignore me.
What I'm knitting tonight:
I'm making a cowl for Joe of Joe and Rondee, who needs a face-protector while he's working, and scarves just won't stay up over his face the way he wants them to. It's an easy, soothing project for someone who is on her last nerve and has had a constant headache for a week, so tonight I'm going to just knit and try to be zen.
Went to a baby shower!
Not that I have anything interesting to write about, I just have a few minutes to kill while I wait for my crops to be ready to harvest in Farmville.
Last night I went to a baby shower for Rachel given by the nurses she works with. She received a massive amount of cute pink baby clothes! After the shower, one of the nurses brought in three bags full of cute pink baby clothes that her girls wore when they were babies, so yeah, Rachel has plenty of clothes for the baby now.
The house where the shower was held was lovely, and the food was very good, too. ALso there was a lot of hospital gossip, and what's not to like about that?
Rich stayed home with the cats and watched golf or something on TV. I was glad to get away for a while. I thought there was nothing to watch on TV when we had cable, but now there is really nothing to watch! I think we are going to need to get cable back, because I miss the Food Network.
What I'm knitting today: A loose-fitting hat for Kim, from a pattern that I got free with the yarn. The yarn is a lovely soft wool called Taos that I ordered from Patternworks, because I liked the hat pattern.
What I'm reading today: I'm re-reading some books on my Kindle. Nothing very exciting. Just finished One Fifth Avenue, and started Beverly Hills Adjacent.
There's just not a lot happening here. Kim will be around next week, maybe I'll have something to write about then.
Last night I went to a baby shower for Rachel given by the nurses she works with. She received a massive amount of cute pink baby clothes! After the shower, one of the nurses brought in three bags full of cute pink baby clothes that her girls wore when they were babies, so yeah, Rachel has plenty of clothes for the baby now.
The house where the shower was held was lovely, and the food was very good, too. ALso there was a lot of hospital gossip, and what's not to like about that?
Rich stayed home with the cats and watched golf or something on TV. I was glad to get away for a while. I thought there was nothing to watch on TV when we had cable, but now there is really nothing to watch! I think we are going to need to get cable back, because I miss the Food Network.
What I'm knitting today: A loose-fitting hat for Kim, from a pattern that I got free with the yarn. The yarn is a lovely soft wool called Taos that I ordered from Patternworks, because I liked the hat pattern.
What I'm reading today: I'm re-reading some books on my Kindle. Nothing very exciting. Just finished One Fifth Avenue, and started Beverly Hills Adjacent.
There's just not a lot happening here. Kim will be around next week, maybe I'll have something to write about then.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday when I went outside to go shopping with RA, there were these tracks in the tiny amount of snow on the front steps:

The tracks led up to the pumpkin that has been sitting on the top step since Halloween. We didn't carve the pumpkin, we just put it out on the porch. And left it there for a month. Because that is how we roll.

When I got home I checked the pumpkin again, and the hole was bigger, with more seeds and stuff pulled out. It was pretty much hollow inside. Then on Sunday I went with RA to take a Poinsettia to an old dear in the ward who had surgery, and when I told the old dear about it, she offered me the pumpkin that was still sitting on her porch!
I took her pumpkin home and replaced my now-empty pumpkin with the new one, and it's almost hollow now.

The tracks led up to the pumpkin that has been sitting on the top step since Halloween. We didn't carve the pumpkin, we just put it out on the porch. And left it there for a month. Because that is how we roll.

When I got home I checked the pumpkin again, and the hole was bigger, with more seeds and stuff pulled out. It was pretty much hollow inside. Then on Sunday I went with RA to take a Poinsettia to an old dear in the ward who had surgery, and when I told the old dear about it, she offered me the pumpkin that was still sitting on her porch!
I took her pumpkin home and replaced my now-empty pumpkin with the new one, and it's almost hollow now.
In which I am only writing to entertain my cousin.
I slept the entire day on Monday. I didn't wake up until 4:30 in the afternoon, and it was so dark in my bedroom that I was confused at first, and I couldn't remember what day it was, or if it was day or night.
I could hear Rachel upstairs talking to Rich, but I didn't go up there. I staggered downstairs and got a Diet Pepsi to wake up with, because I felt so groggy. By the time Rachel came downstairs, I was a little more awake, and when she said she needed to go out to pick up something at Rondee's, I got dressed and went with her.
Hayden, who is about 2, was happy to see us, and he showed me their Christmas tree, and let me read to him. He even made a monkey noise for me! He's so cute!
I don't even know what Rachel was picking up from Rondee, because I just wasn't paying attention. I still needed to wake up, I think. We went to the store so I could buy spaghetti noodles, and then Rachel dropped me off at home again. I wasn't ready to cook, so it was good that Rachel talked me into buying some roast chicken at the grocery store! It smelled great!
So Rich and I ate roast chicken, and then I cooked the carbonara during the commercials of my favorite show, The Big Bang Theory.
Rich is suppposed to read Mr. Willoughby's Christmas Tree at the ward Christmas party this week, but we can't find our copy. We spent more time looking for it tonight, and then Rachel said she could put it on hold and Barnes and Noble, so she and Ash are going to pick up a copy tomorrow at the mall. Yay!
Other than that, nothing of interest is going on here. There has been talk of a big snow that is getting everyone all worked up, but I'm not sure I believe in it. RA told me that the Weather Channel has a reporter in place in Chicago, waiting for the blizzard, but that it isn't Jim Cantore. Well, if the Weather Channel didn't even send their A team, can we expect much at all? I don't think so. Everyone needs to calm down.
Chlorine, the old dear who is working the day shift on the switchboard a couple of mornings a week until Barb comes back from her most recent surgery (and by the way, Barb must be about a bionic woman by now, with all the surgery she's had!), was whining Monday morning about how if we got all that snow, she might not be able to come to work, because she has to drive 12 miles to get here! 12 miles? Please. I couldn't even think of a snarky response to that, it was so ridiculous.
I know I still haven't put up the (very few) Thanksgiving pictures I took, and I also have some pictures of my Halloween pumpkin to show, so I'll try to get those uploaded tomorrow.
I could hear Rachel upstairs talking to Rich, but I didn't go up there. I staggered downstairs and got a Diet Pepsi to wake up with, because I felt so groggy. By the time Rachel came downstairs, I was a little more awake, and when she said she needed to go out to pick up something at Rondee's, I got dressed and went with her.
Hayden, who is about 2, was happy to see us, and he showed me their Christmas tree, and let me read to him. He even made a monkey noise for me! He's so cute!
I don't even know what Rachel was picking up from Rondee, because I just wasn't paying attention. I still needed to wake up, I think. We went to the store so I could buy spaghetti noodles, and then Rachel dropped me off at home again. I wasn't ready to cook, so it was good that Rachel talked me into buying some roast chicken at the grocery store! It smelled great!
So Rich and I ate roast chicken, and then I cooked the carbonara during the commercials of my favorite show, The Big Bang Theory.
Rich is suppposed to read Mr. Willoughby's Christmas Tree at the ward Christmas party this week, but we can't find our copy. We spent more time looking for it tonight, and then Rachel said she could put it on hold and Barnes and Noble, so she and Ash are going to pick up a copy tomorrow at the mall. Yay!
Other than that, nothing of interest is going on here. There has been talk of a big snow that is getting everyone all worked up, but I'm not sure I believe in it. RA told me that the Weather Channel has a reporter in place in Chicago, waiting for the blizzard, but that it isn't Jim Cantore. Well, if the Weather Channel didn't even send their A team, can we expect much at all? I don't think so. Everyone needs to calm down.
Chlorine, the old dear who is working the day shift on the switchboard a couple of mornings a week until Barb comes back from her most recent surgery (and by the way, Barb must be about a bionic woman by now, with all the surgery she's had!), was whining Monday morning about how if we got all that snow, she might not be able to come to work, because she has to drive 12 miles to get here! 12 miles? Please. I couldn't even think of a snarky response to that, it was so ridiculous.
I know I still haven't put up the (very few) Thanksgiving pictures I took, and I also have some pictures of my Halloween pumpkin to show, so I'll try to get those uploaded tomorrow.
Friday, December 4, 2009
I'd rather knit than sleep.
I went to sleep last night around 11, because I was falling asleep sitting up in bed reading a book on my Kindle and knitting on the cutest little vest for Soren! Seriously, it is so cute, and I feel very clever for turning into something I can knit in the round, instead of knitting the pieces flat and then seaming them up.
I woke up at 3:30, because my sleeping is all upside down like always, and I opened up my book and started knitting on the vest again, because it's all I want to do! Now I'm getting sleepy again, but instead of sleeping, I just want to get in bed and read while I knit on that vest some more!
I woke up at 3:30, because my sleeping is all upside down like always, and I opened up my book and started knitting on the vest again, because it's all I want to do! Now I'm getting sleepy again, but instead of sleeping, I just want to get in bed and read while I knit on that vest some more!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
There were going to be pictures...
By Jenna's request, I took pictures at Thanksgiving, and then yesterday I got two beautifully lettered tiles in the mail from Beck, and I was going to take pictures of them to make a lovely photo-filled entry, just like Jesse always does, but damn! Where is my camera?
I've looked in the usual places, and I found the camera's case lying on the floor in a pile of cat hair, but I still hadn't seen my camera, and was starting to wonder if Kim maybe took it to pawn for gas money, and then as I was leaving the house tonight, I saw it on the shelf by Lord Woo Fak-Fak! So there will be pictures tomorrow.
So nothing much is going on this week. Except that yesterday Rich took all of his bottles of shampoo rejects, the ones that I give him when people leave them behind after a visit, or I try something new because I like the bottle, but then I don't like it, and so he has several bottles of shampoo and conditioners, and not much hair to use them on, but anyway, he took his shampoos and moved back downstairs into the cat's bathroom. It's got all the mold cleaned up and the mold-killing paint is painted over the formerly moldy areas and now it just needs a coat of regular paint to finish it up. I'm sure we'll get that done. Sometime. Soon. (I wonder when Diana is coming to visit again?)
What with all of the Thanksgiving holiday being over and the company gone, our house seems quiet and empty, with only the sound of Patsy's sneezes echoing through the empty rooms. I'm not sure why Patsy is sneezing so much; he doesn't have any symptoms of a cold, like runny eyes or nose, and he had an allergy shot last week, but he keeps sneezing! Maybe he's allergic to that afghan he is always sleeping on, or maybe it's an allergy to dust, in which case he is living in the wrong house! We're keeping an eye on him, so don't please don't send me worried emails. Patsy is fine. Just sneezy.
I've looked in the usual places, and I found the camera's case lying on the floor in a pile of cat hair, but I still hadn't seen my camera, and was starting to wonder if Kim maybe took it to pawn for gas money, and then as I was leaving the house tonight, I saw it on the shelf by Lord Woo Fak-Fak! So there will be pictures tomorrow.
So nothing much is going on this week. Except that yesterday Rich took all of his bottles of shampoo rejects, the ones that I give him when people leave them behind after a visit, or I try something new because I like the bottle, but then I don't like it, and so he has several bottles of shampoo and conditioners, and not much hair to use them on, but anyway, he took his shampoos and moved back downstairs into the cat's bathroom. It's got all the mold cleaned up and the mold-killing paint is painted over the formerly moldy areas and now it just needs a coat of regular paint to finish it up. I'm sure we'll get that done. Sometime. Soon. (I wonder when Diana is coming to visit again?)
What with all of the Thanksgiving holiday being over and the company gone, our house seems quiet and empty, with only the sound of Patsy's sneezes echoing through the empty rooms. I'm not sure why Patsy is sneezing so much; he doesn't have any symptoms of a cold, like runny eyes or nose, and he had an allergy shot last week, but he keeps sneezing! Maybe he's allergic to that afghan he is always sleeping on, or maybe it's an allergy to dust, in which case he is living in the wrong house! We're keeping an eye on him, so don't please don't send me worried emails. Patsy is fine. Just sneezy.
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