By Jenna's request, I took pictures at Thanksgiving, and then yesterday I got two beautifully lettered tiles in the mail from Beck, and I was going to take pictures of them to make a lovely photo-filled entry, just like Jesse always does, but damn! Where is my camera?
I've looked in the usual places, and I found the camera's case lying on the floor in a pile of cat hair, but I still hadn't seen my camera, and was starting to wonder if Kim maybe took it to pawn for gas money, and then as I was leaving the house tonight, I saw it on the shelf by Lord Woo Fak-Fak! So there will be pictures tomorrow.
So nothing much is going on this week. Except that yesterday Rich took all of his bottles of shampoo rejects, the ones that I give him when people leave them behind after a visit, or I try something new because I like the bottle, but then I don't like it, and so he has several bottles of shampoo and conditioners, and not much hair to use them on, but anyway, he took his shampoos and moved back downstairs into the cat's bathroom. It's got all the mold cleaned up and the mold-killing paint is painted over the formerly moldy areas and now it just needs a coat of regular paint to finish it up. I'm sure we'll get that done. Sometime. Soon. (I wonder when Diana is coming to visit again?)
What with all of the Thanksgiving holiday being over and the company gone, our house seems quiet and empty, with only the sound of Patsy's sneezes echoing through the empty rooms. I'm not sure why Patsy is sneezing so much; he doesn't have any symptoms of a cold, like runny eyes or nose, and he had an allergy shot last week, but he keeps sneezing! Maybe he's allergic to that afghan he is always sleeping on, or maybe it's an allergy to dust, in which case he is living in the wrong house! We're keeping an eye on him, so don't please don't send me worried emails. Patsy is fine. Just sneezy.
is the beta fish using your camera for something??