Diana posted bitterly on Twitter that she doesn't care if her cousin never updates her journal, and that cousin is me, and I felt sorry for never updating for her entertainment, but you know there was the internet ban at work, which is where I write my posts! And I can't seem to be bothered to do it when I think of writing a post when I'm at home, so there you go. Nothing gets written and Diana just has to make her own entertainment.
However, here I am, awake at 4 in the morning after being sleepy and falling into bed at 10 last night, and I think I can manage to write a little something, because what else am I going to do at this time of the morning?
As I mentioned before, Rachel has been sewing and so far she has made two skirts and a pair of pajama pants with little monkeys in karate uniforms printed all over them. So cute! She says I am not better at teaching than I am at sewing, meaning there is just as much frustrated cussing when I am just telling her as there is when I am doing it myself, but hey, she knows how to make a skirt now, so she can just shut up and be grateful!
Since Rachel is all about sewing now, and we have made about 50 trips to the fabric store in two weeks, I went online and ordered a book that I saw on Amazon a while ago, about how to make things out of t-shirts, and yesterday I made pillows out of two of Kim's old t-shirts! It was easy, except for the cutting, because all of my scissors are dull, and now she has two cute pillows for propping up on to read in bed.
In knitting news, I'm almost done with a vest I am making for Carolyn's brother Brinton, who is going on a mission to Peru, and when that is done, I have to finish the sleeves of a sweater for someone at work who has a new granddaughter, and then I can get back to work on finishing Carolyn's new sweater. As always, there is a long list in my head of other things I want to knit, but they all have to wait until these three things are done!
Tomorrow is Kim's birthday and she will be 21! So we are having pizza for dinner and also birthday cake! I asked what kind of cake she wanted, and she said Angel Food, so we are going to have Angel Food cake with chocolate sauce for dipping! Rachel and I thought it would be fun to make faux cocktails, too, since she is going to be 21, old enough to drink, except that we don't drink, so Ash is going to make virgin cocktails for us, and Rachel and I shopped for supplies today.
We took Maddy with us to the store to do the party shopping, and she was not having the best shopping trip of her life. First, it was too sunny and windy outside, and she hates having the sun in her eyes, so we pulled her blanket over her face, but she also hates having a blanket in her face, and the wind kept blowing it off anyway, so then eek! the sun was in her eyes again!
When we got her in the store, out of the weather, she was slightly happier, except that she was hungry! Rachel made a bottle using powdered formula and some bottled water, but nooo, Maddy didn't like that! We think she didn't like the taste of the bottled water, which was a brand that I don't like either, so I understand it, but I thought the formula would cover up the taste of the water, but apparently it just ruined a perfectly good bottle of formula!
Maddy managed to survive the hardships of weather and food, and make it back to the house where she could get a decent bottle and play on the floor with Rich while Rachel sewed pajamas and I made pillows, and then Kim came home!
She admired the pillows, and the baby, and collapsed on the couch, tired from driving five hours to get home! She managed to revive enough to get her laptop from her car and then all was well as she sat on the couch, computing. Sando showed up an hour later and brought his Xbox, and they made frozen pizza, just like always.
I knitted and watched Sando play the latest Final Fantasy game, and then I was so tired I couldn't stay awake, so when Kim and Sando went to the store at 10 to buy a video game, I went to bed! Rachel and Maddy were long gone, and I hope Rachel is getting some sleep tonight, too!
So that's what has been happening here, and I just have one more thing - I'm reading a book called The Reformed Vampire Support Group and it's great! The vampires are a bunch of whiners, who have to find out who killed one of them before the Slayer can strike again, and I liked it so much that when I finished it, I wanted to read it again! Two days later, I am reading it for the second time, that's how good it is.
I am terrible at making my own entertainment!! I love that Maddy has issues with bottled water - she's a babysnob!