Friday, October 29, 2010

Dumb it down.

I got a new phone today. I know that right now you are saying to yourself, "But didn't she just get a new phone two weeks ago?" and you are right about that. I did get a new phone two weeks ago. I bought it on the run on the day Diana left town, and had no training at all in how to use it, so for the first few hours I didn't know how to answer a call! I had to let the call ring until the caller hung up and then call it back from the call log until I got back from dropping Diana off, and then Rachel showed me how to answer the phone. (I figured out hanging up on my own, thank you.)

Two days later I went back to the store to ask how to find my contacts list! There was a Contacts list on my Droid, but it was a list of my Facebook contacts, which wasn't helpful at all. I don't call any of those people! Heck, I hide half of them because their status updates are so dumb (not you, of course, yours are brilliant)! My phone contacts list that had been transferred from my old Blackberry was in an imbedded menu about three menus deep! I would never have found that on my own!

There were some other irritations, too, and two frustrated weeks later, I was tired of it, so today I went to the phone store and traded the Android for a new Blackberry, and tonight I am happier. I know, I know, you want an Android, all the cool kids have one, even the white-haired old dear with her Android in a zebra-striped gel skin who was standing in line ahead of me today is hipper than me, but I can live with that.


  1. Dear lovely friend of mine- I don't even have a texting plan, and until very recently had to spend considerable amounts of time retrieving and responding to texts. But now we live in a place where everyone wants to communicate with me by texting- RS, preschool, playgroups, friends asking 'how r u?' and our phone bill is climbing by the minute. Anyway, I will soon need a new phone and a texting/media plan and I don't like it. I haven't minded (at all) being the least hip of everyone I know- but ah well. I bet your blackberry is splendidly cool.

  2. your friend Jesse is very kind. Your nephew Nick on the other hand mocks your phone return mercilessly and when he got his own new android phone last night was still making fun of your inability to use your phone. I know he loves you because he talks about you often.
