Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In which I am still talking about chemistry.

Well, I'm talking about chemistry class, that is, not so much about chemistry. I'm pretty sure you are not interested in...loga...logo...hmm, okay, I was going to use a chemistry word, but I couldn't spell it.

So it was chem class night, and Diane and I spent a couple of hours at Rachel's, working on our homework. That's pretty much what I do every day now - get up, go to Rachel's, work on chemistry homework, and then go home to take a nap before work. We were running so late by the time we finished the last problem tonight that we didn't have time to stop and get a hamburger on the way to class like we usually do! Good thing Diane had a box of Hot Tamales in her purse to keep us going!

Class tonight was partly going over...uh, something, and then review of homework problems and talk about the upcoming Big Test. The second half of the class was all reviewing of homework problems, and Diane wanted to leave when other people started leaving, but I thought we should stay so we would look like we cared! I didn't want Dr. Chemnerd to be reminding himself later, when he looks at our terrible scores on the Big Test, "Uh huh, and those two skipped the review!"

So we stayed and didn't really get much out of it. Except that Dr. Chemnerd looked around at one point and mentioned that the people still in the classroom were his stalwarts, because so many people had left. See! He noticed!

Tonight he was talking about radiation (I just remembered!), and I asked if exposure to gamma rays is what turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk, and our professor? Didn't know the answer! Apparently he's not a real nerd, he's just a poser! I didn't bother asking about Tony Stark's chest appliance, since I didn't want to embarrass him further, I texted Rich about it, instead.

1 comment :

  1. It appears that perhaps YOU should be teaching part of this class. psh... didn't know about the Hulk... Poser.
