Friday, May 27, 2011

In which I am so sick, but I still have to do things.

I finally have the bad cold that everyone else has had, and I'm not happy about this. I went to work last night and felt terrible for the first couple of hours because I just couldn't breathe, but then Rachel had the bright idea for me to call Kim to bring me a decongestant pill from home, so I called Kim and she came to my rescue. It was 1:30 a.m. when I called her, but hey, she was up!

With the decongestant and much ibuprophen, I got through the night and was so happy to come home this morning and get into my bed! I didn't sleep well, but I slept, and now I'm up, sitting in my chair in the living room, thinking of going back to bed.

How the trip planning is going:

Kim got her passport in just 10 days (yay!), and now she needs to go to the Taiwanese consulate in Chicago to get her visa. She called this morning to make an appointment, and we are scheduled to go on Friday. That might change to Wednesday, we'll have to see how next week goes.

We have an appointment at the health department on Tuesday for a consultation with a Travel Expert, and to get the shots she'll need. It sounds like she will only need Hepetitis A, and possibly Typhoid. Ugh.

So things are moving along.

Why I am sick of Pokeballs:

Yesterday I went to the Post Office with RA to mail packages to our grandchildren. I had a couple of books for Soren and Carl, and a very cute plush Pokeball that Kim bought for Soren at an Anime conference she went to in St. Louis a few months ago. After I mailed the package, actually, even as I was putting the Pokeball into the envelope, I started thinking that there is only one Pokeball and two boys, and that is not a good equation.

When I got home I called Scott to consult with him, and he agreed that Carl is certainly going to want a Pokeball if Soren has one, because Carl is not a baby now, he is big! Big like Soren! Doing whatever Soren does!

So I did a quick search on the internet and found an identical plush Pokeball on Etsy, and ordered it to be sent to their house, and then I called Scott back and told him that whichever package arrives first, he will have to hold it until the other one gets there, so that there will be two Pokeballs! Scott assured me that he can do this, but I think I had better tell Carolyn too, because you know husbands forget to tell you things you need to know.

Why Henhouse is a funny word:

On Wednesday night I worked the 3-11 shift at work because my schedule is very different and mixed up for two weeks, and I am tired of telling the story of why, so just accept that it is and move on.

When I got home shortly after 11, Kyle and Kim were sitting in the living room, surrounded by Arbys bags, playing a video game that takes place in a futuristic Old West. They were talkiing in terrible Western accents, and I asked them to please stop because they were so terrible as to be painful and I was getting this cold, so I was not a well woman, and their accents were killing me!

I called Rachel, who was still up because we are all Night People, and midnight is not too late to go to the store. I needed to get some Echinaecia because I was getting a cold and Kathy at work had recommended it. (Note: I am still sick, so it was not a miracle cure!)

While I waited for Rachel to pick me up, I called Diana to whine about my cold, and also about the terrible accents I was hearing. She said she would be so happy if anyone at her house was playing a video game to entertain her, and if she was here, she would be begging them to talk Western for her!

When I got back home with my Echinaecia, I told Kim and Kyle that Diana said if she were here she would beg them to talk Western for her, and Kyle said, "She wouldn't have to beg!" and then they both went on babbling in their twangy accents about gunfights and henhouses.

So that is what's going on here. I am going back to bed to rest, and hope this cold goes away.

1 comment :

  1. I have been known to give dollar bills or buy McDonald's for people that entertain me. You should count your blessings!!
