Saturday, September 3, 2011

In which I am not very girly

I can't think of anything especially girly that I do, and I hate that gender-specific stuff anyway, so it took me two days of pondering to come up with...hmm...nothing!

I went grocery shopping on Friday, and when I got home, I carried six plastic grocery bags in two hands up to the front door and kicked it so Rich would let me in. As I staggered to the kitchen I ordered told him to get the case of Diet Pepsi and the giant bottle of laundry detergent out of the car, and when he brought them in and deposited them on the floor of the kitchen, I told him I was going to put that in my journal as the girly thing I hardly ever do, i.e. asking him to carry heavy stuff into the house for me, and he said actually I always make him do it!

I think he's wrong about that, because I know I carry those in myself all the time but sure, whatever you say, honey.

I considered getting a pedicure, so I could write about that, but none of my pedi friends are around, and it's no fun to go by myself. If I go to the one place, I don't like to talk to the idiots that work there, but if I go to the Asian place, they don't speak enough English to talk to me.

As I write this, I am suddenly realizing that there are a few things that I always call on Rich to do, like killing gross bugs and disposing of (their) bodies, and also burying small dead pets. So there. Times when I am girly. You happy now? I have to go smoke a cigar and scratch myself.


  1. ha ha ha - I'm picturing you smoking a cigar while you get a pedicure!

  2. The fact that you don't like to go someplace by yourself, like for a mani-pedi, is a very girly thing.

  3. Rebecka has a point. Do you need me to go to the bathroom with you? Enjoy your cigar.
