Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's a mystery! Also, an evening with Maddy, in which she jumps on Kim's bed.

So today there was a dead bird laying on the floor in the dining room when I woke up! A. Dead. Bird. OMG! I called Rich to come downstairs and dispose of it, but neither of us could figure out where it came from!

I went out to get a pop and a couple of groceries with RA, and when I got back I went upstairs to strip the bed and change the sheets (because it was about time), and in the bathroom I saw that my hairbrush was on the floor, which was weird, because no one uses that bathroom but me during the day, and if I had knocked my hairbrush on the floor I would have picked it up! Then I saw (duh duh duh) a feather in the sink!

Rich was passing by just then, so I showed him the evidence that a bird had been flying around the house, and then I flushed it’s germy, mite-filled feather down the toilet, but still…where did the bird come from? I think it probably came in when Rich had the door open to take Sonny out on one of his many walks today, but it’s a mystery.

So Ash brought Maddy over tonight while Rachel was at work, and the first thing she did was go to the kitchen to get a bag of chips, because I always buy packages of small bags of chips for her (and Rich). She ate a couple of Cheetos (She calls them Ritos, because to her all chips are Doritos) and then she saw the bananas, and wanted one of them, too. I gave her the banana, half peeled, and she took that and the Cheetos and ran upstairs to Kim’s room.

I had to stop and shut down my laptop so I didn’t get up there right away, but when I did, she was jumping on the bed, eating the banana and she had carefully set the Cheeto bag upright on Kim's dresser, where she saw me put the chip bag last time to keep it away from Sonny.

No wait, she wasn’t on the bed yet, because first we had to pick up all the necklaces that were in a pile on the bed, and she sang the clean up, clean up song while we did it! She is so funny. Then she jumped and jumped and jumped. She can deliberately land on her butt now, since her feet slipped and she did it once, and I applauded her butt jump and told her to do it again. She demonstrated it for Ash when he got back from the store, and then they went home.

Oh, also, the minute she came in the house, she stripped off her own clothes and gave them to me to hold. She can undress herself now! That clever girl. She likes to run around in the house dressed in just a diaper, and they have to fight her to put her clothes on if they want to take her anywhere.


  1. I read this post almost a week ago but I figured that maybe I should *comment* on it so that you would be aware of your audience and WRITE MORE. Because it's funny.

    1. There is a new post that I wrote tonight JUST FOR YOU!
