Monday, January 9, 2017

In which I don't have a home practice.

I've been wanting to get back into the habit of going to yoga classes, and telling myself I'm going to develop a home practice is just a lie that smoothes over the yoga guilt, so now that I have houseguests and I don't want to be home with them, I am going to more yoga classes.  Last week I went to three, including the one I teach, and this week I am hoping to go to four, including the one I teach.

So I braved the slippery roads tonight as snow was falling and I went to the Y for the Monday night class.  It's a good class, with a teacher that I know and like, and I always intend to go to that class, but then I sign up for the six-week session and end up going to only one class, or even worse, none. 

My friends Shelley and Luanne both go to that Monday night class regularly, so I told Shelley to text me a reminder, and tonight I just got up and went.  Yay!  It's a challenging class - not horrible, but challenging.  Tonight there was a woman ahead of me who was using a chair, but the teacher wasn't able to give her enough specific modifications, so she was just standing there some of the time, not able to do the poses. 

I talked to her after class and told her that if she comes next week, I'll sit next to her and use a chair, too, and help her adapt the poses, and she said she would like that, so I have that to look forward to.  I've been wanting to do a little more chair yoga, and even do it with my regular class just for an interesting change, so it will be a good opportunity for me to figure things out.

I mentioned our houseguests above, so let me just say a word about them.  It's a woman and her son from church, who have a temporary housing crisis, so we took them in the week before Christmas, and they're staying with us for a while.  They are pretty low maintenance, so they aren't a problem, it's just that I am tired of always having people around, and the TV is always on, so I just like to go out in the evening.  The mom wants to learn to knit, so I'm going to teach her that, and the kid is just a dumb 13 year old, who I mostly ignore.  He plays video games.  Whatever. 

Rich moved my laptop from the TV in the living room to the breakfast nook in the kitchen, where he usually sits with his laptop, so it's kind of fun, with both of us sitting at our laptops and talking.  It's cozy, instead of me sitting in the living room computing, and him in the kitchen, with us too far away from each other to talk.

So here I am at work, and I actually have a little work to do, so maybe I'll do it. 

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