So, just in case you've been wondering, I still have the Homeless pair, mother and son, living with me, and also? I'm looking forward to when they leave. I'm planning on them being gone by the end of February, so let's keep that happy goal in mind.
I'm at work, with a bag of snacks, and that includes a bag of salted caramels, which are not as good as you'd think, since they are SALTED. I'm not a huge fan. But I have a Diet Pepsi to wash them down with, so that's a good thing.
This weekend Rich and I are going out of town to visit his parents and Kim, and it's going to be lovely. I'm going to spend some time with Sheila, and not with my houseguests, so yay. The dogsitter will be at my house, so the Homeless are going to RA's for the weekend. We just don't feel comfortable about the Homeless taking care of our dog while we're gone.
What I'm knitting now: I just finished an angora scarf for RA, that I knitted with angora yarn that she picked out and paid for. It was shedding like crazy, so I put it in the freezer, because I've heard that freezing the yarn cuts down on the shedding, and that might be true. I left it in the freezer for a couple of days, which resulted in some funny looks from people in my house who needed something from the freezer. Anyway, I finished that, and now I'm making a hat from the Lowlands pattern, and I'm using angora again! It's a ball of lovely dark blue handpainted angora that I bought at the Saline Fiber Fair when we were there in October. Oh, and that scarf? I used a pattern from Purl Soho that made a lovely ribbed scarf with no purling! It was great, and I would like to make another one, with yarn that is pleasanter to work with.
What I'm reading now: An Uncollected Death by Meg Wolfe. I'm really enjoying it - she's a good writer. I told Kim I would do the first editing of her third book while she works on rewriting the second book, but neither of us is doing any work on her books. We are slackers.
What I'm cooking: Today I made beef stew in the crockpot and it was wonderful! It made a lot, and was so good. Rachel stopped by tonight on her way home from her YW program and finished it off while we discussed the program. I've been cooking a lot more than usual and making casseroles and crockpot (one pot) meals, because I'm feeding the Homeless. Usually, I cook once or twice a week, and Rich and I just forage in the kitchen for whatever we want on the other nights, but since I've got these people, I feel like I have to feed them. Ugh.
Looking forward to having the house to ourselves.
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