This farming thing is more work than I expected. I am running two farms in Farmville, because I used Kim's Facebook account to start a second farm when the crops on my farm weren't growing fast enough for my entertainment, and now it's almost too much for me.
I have my crop schedule down now, so that I plant short-growing crops in the morning before I go to sleep, and then I harvest those, and check on my animals, when I wake up in the afternoon. I plant a second crop after I harvest the first one, another short-term crop, and I harvest that before my evening nap, and then I have to decide if I want to plant one more short-growing crop, which means I have to harvest it again before work, or would it be better to plant a longer growing crop so that I don't have to worry about it until morning?
Last night I was doing my evening harvest, and I started with my farm, which I then replanted in rice, because it grows overnight, so I don't have to harvest it until I get home in the morning, and then I signed onto Kim's account so I could harvest her crop of blueberries, and plant rice on her farm, too.
Something kept slowing down the loading time on Kim's account, and I tried reloading the farm, but I couldn't get it to load. I noticed a chat window was open at the bottom of the screen, and it looked like she had been chatting with a friend on Facebook earlier in the evening. I knew she was gone to her night class on Wednesday, so I closed her chat window and tried to open up her farm again.
It still wasn't loading, and then a second chat window opened, and the first one was back up, so I thought that Facebook must be having some problems, and I clicked the chat windows closed and tried again to access the farm, and when I couldn't get it into it again, I had an idea of what the problem might be...
I texted Kim and asked her if she was on Facebook, and she said yes! I've heard of this, but I never suspected Kim of being one of those kids who takes their laptop to class and checks their Facebook page during class! I was too tired to care, so I told her to harvest her blueberry crop while she was online, and I went to bed.
When I got up to go to work, I checked Kim's farm, because I wasn't sure if she would have replanted her farm after harvesting, and I wanted to get something planted to harvest in the morning. I was pretty surprised to see that she hadn't touched those blueberries!
So I harvested the blueberries, and planted rice, although I probably should have put in pumpkins, because that rice crop won't be ready until later, and if I had planted pumpkins, they would have been ready to harvest in the morning.
Then I messaged Kim and let her know that I was shocked, shocked! that she hadn't harvested the crop, because hello? Those berries only stay good for 4 hours and I got them just in time! And guess what? Kim didn't really care. Can you believe it?
You know who cares about their farm? Diana! She called me at work last night, and she was feeling frustrated and upset, as anyone would at the prospect of losing their harvest, because she couldn't get into Farmville to take care of her farm! What is up with that? She tried refreshing the screen a few times, but she never was able to get it loaded, poor thing. I wish I could have done something to help her, but I can't access Facebook from work, so there was nothing I could do. It's so sad.
oh how I wish I could have gotten to my pumpkins before they withered - sad.
ReplyDeleteI played FarmTown until my farm got so big it was taking forever to plant. (I love being able to hire someone else to harvest and plow.)
ReplyDeleteI haven't gotten in to FarmVille yet, but when I do I have a ton of gifts that people have sent me, so there'll be critters everywhere.
Don't know if I can handle the stress of not being able to log in and have my crops die, though.