So Kim was coming home for the weekend, and first she got a late start because she had to stay and let her roommate's family into the apartment while her roommate was in class, and then she took a wrong turn because she was driving home without turning on the Garmin, just to see if she could do it, and her mind wandered, so obviously she can't drive home without it. She drove about an hour in the wrong direction, which resulted in tears and much cursing, which was frankly hilarious. Kim used the F word at least four times, and I was laughing pretty hard, until she sucked me into her black hole of misery and I started crying with her, because I know how it is to be lost and hungry and feel like you'll never get home! (Damn you, Wisconsin!)
So Kim is home sitting on the couch playing Guild Wars and watching ghost shows on TV, and I am at work. She's going to stay until Monday evening, having arranged for a friend to take notes in her Monday class. She just needs to be home, eat chicken soup, and relax. If relaxing means going to see Zombieland with Sando and then staying up late playing video games and eating pizza.
RA was having a breakdown today and took to her bed like an aging starlet, so I went shopping by myself. Just a run to the grocery store to get the stuff for chicken noodle soup, and some breakfast link sausages, because that is what I always buy when Kim comes home.
So in the last couple of days, I've watched two movies while knitting on the manly cabled scarf and waiting for my crops to grow in Farmville. Some of Kim's friends were making references to the movie Go, which I'd heard of but never seen, so I watched it on Netflix, and loved it! It's a dark comedy, and stars one of my favorite actors that nobody has heard of, Timothy Olyphant. Today I watched a quiet little movie with Parker Posey, called Broken English. It was one of those movies that Scott calls "They Came to Talk", and I really liked it, but you know I love those movies where people just sit around, wearing pretty clothes and talking about things. (There were no car chases or fistfights.)
And tonight I'm at work, where it is quiet and I have a book to read - Mystery at Longbourn - and the Mondo pullover to start over again. I've got a cold pop, and there is a distinct shortage of cat hair on the carpet of the office, which is not a bad thing at all.
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