Saturday, November 14, 2009

Everybody is home now.

Rich and Rachel have been in Michigan visiting Grandma and Grandpa this weekend, and they left today to drive home. I was here with Diana, and this afternoon we drove to Milwaukee to get her on the plane back to Phoenix.

One of the things that is fun when Diana visits is that she is so excited about the wildlife, i.e. squirrels, and also the chipmunk that lives under our porch. On the drive to Milwaukee, you're on the highway but it's all through countryside ("It looks like a postcard!"), and we saw lots of wildlife.

There were birds sitting in rows on telephone wires ("we call those 'skittles'"), we saw big groups of ducks flying in V formation overhead, and I showed Diana what squirrels' nests look like in the bare trees ("Pay attention to the road, I don't want to die so you can see a squirrel's nest!").

I dropped her off (...sniff...) and drove home bravely by myself. I decided to go the scenic route on the way home, and I found myself driving through a somewhat less scenic area that looked like Appalachia, but then I saw a deer in a field eating corn, so that was cool!

Rich was home when I got there, laying on the couch watching the SyFy channel, so things are back to normal. Oh, except that RA was supposed to get back tonight from her visit to her insane sister, but she suddenly got cellulitis, and is in the hospital in Tucson instead. She says she should be discharged on Sunday and has a flight home scheduled for Thursday.