Last night Diana helped me sort Grandma's clothes that Shirley sent home with me after Grandma died. I still had them in a suitcase in the basement, where they have been since the day I opened them up and they smelled like Grandma's powder, and I started crying and put them away again.
A couple of things we kept, and the rest we dropped off at Goodwill this morning. Two of the things we kept were a sweater that I knitted for Grandma about 15 years ago, and an afghan I made for her that is at least 20 years old, maybe a little more. Diana was sitting on the couch tonight watching TV, wearing the sweater and had the afghan over her lap, because she was cold! I was looking at the afghan, thinking about how old it was, and realized that Grandma must have really liked it, because of all the times she has moved from one state to another, and all the times she has left behind boxes of things she didn't care about, but she has kept that afghan through all the years.
After we sorted out the clothes, we went up to watch TV on my bed and I remembered that there was a box of Grandma's stuff in my closet, too! It was pictures in frames, and little tchotchkes and two bags of costume jewelry. So then we sat on my bed and sorted all that out. Diana draped one of Grandma's hankies over the top of the headboard and put some of the little statues and things up there, like a display, while we picked through broken watches and mismatched assorted junk. It was fun to look at the photos, and identify everyone in them.
So that's what we did last night, and this morning we went out for breakfast and dropped a big basket of clothes off at the Goodwill. We made another trip to Walmart for supplies, and then Diana bleached the mildewed ceiling in the highest cupboard in the cat's bathroom, the one I can't reach, even standing on a chair!
I made pumpkin pies this afternoon while Diana listed a couple of things on Craigslist for me, and then this afternoon it's just been playing Farmville, and watching TV.
Diana hasn't been able to watch any of her reality TV shows since she doesn't have cable, so tonight was her night to immerse herself and enjoy her shows. I watched one of them with her, but one was really all I could stand. It was called Tool Something, Festival? No, Academy! So Tool Academy was about girls with terrible boyfriends who brought them to be made over and re-educated at Tool Academy, and the show we saw was the last episode, so they were down to the last two contestants, who were both enormous losers, but you know what? Their girlfriends were just as dumb as they were. I hope they aren't going to reproduce, but I'm sure they will. I weep for humanity.
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