Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby it's cold outside.

It's been very cold here for a couple of days and I can't find the fingerless wool mitts I made for myself last winter to wear in the den (coldest room in the house because of the Wall of Windows) when I'm on the computer. I am starting another pair and I'm sure when I'm done with these the old pair will turn up. You know how that goes.

I have two small projects to finish before the baby shower on Saturday, one requires buttons to be sewn on, but yay! I found the buttons yesterday, and the other needs to have a zipper sewn in. I can get both of those done while watching TV this week. (I miss cable.)

The other project that needs to be finished is the Weasely sweater for Soren, which is all done except for knitting the hem. When I make a knitted hem I like to knit a little message in it; at least a heart and the year the object was made. I need to print a sheet of graph paper tonight and plot the chart. I can do that and get the sweater done quickly after that. It's all sewn together, which is usually the biggest hurdle.

Kim and Sando are at my house playing video games on their laptops (of course) and no one would amuse me at all before I came to work. I suggested to Rich that we should maybe go upstairs and make out, and Kim groaned and said there was nothing worse than hearing your parents talk about making out, but Sando said, "Unless it's hearing other people's parents talking about it," Haha!

1 comment :

  1. I guess they didn't want to hear Maribel ask me if WE were going to make out at the movie last night then...
