Monday, January 18, 2010

I was off for three days and it was so much fun to go and hold Maddy every day! Today I went out with RA to get a hamburger and go to the library, and then we went to Rachel's for baby-holding while Rachel took a shower and Ash napped. I am unselfishly sharing Maddy with RA, because all of her grandchildren live far away. (Just like my other two! Hi Soren! Hi Carl!)

Speaking of Soren, he knows letters, so I made a Weasely sweater with an S on it, and it's done! I just need to wash it so the yarn can bloom, and then I'll mail it to him. I am very eager to see a picture of him wearing it, and maybe a video of him saying, "Itsa S!"

In other news...well, there isn't any other news. I haven't done anything except go to Rachel's and admire the baby. I miss Kim, but she is doing well back at school. She had the day off today and went to the City Museum with some friends, which is a big fun place - kind of like a hands-on museum for adults.

What I'm reading today:

- Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich. I read Plum Spooky and it was so funny that I ordered the audiobook for Rich to listen to when we go on a driving trip to visit Kim at the end of January. I saw Plum Lucky today at the library and picked it up to read at work tonight.

What I'm knitting today:

- I'm swatching to get the gauge for Carolyn's sweater, and I think I've got it now. I'm going to use some wool I bought a few years ago at the Fiber Festival, and it's in skeins, so I need to wind it into balls before I start. I am lazy, so I usually wind the yarn one ball at a time, but then when I run out, the project is on hold until I wind more. This yarn is wound up in pretty tangly skeins, and they take a while to wind, so I want to have them all wound before I start. That will be my TV-watching project for a week or so.

- Kim left her hat at the baby shower when she was home for Christmas break, and we got the hat back after she left, but now Rich has been wearing it, so I'm going to make another one for Kim. I'm going to make the Cupcake hat from Chicknits, and I'm going to use some Malabrigo I bought a year or so ago and I was saving it for the right project.

What I'm watching today:

- We stepped down our cable subscription to the very lowest basic package, and I'm sick of only having the golf channel and the travel channel (yes, I know there are other channels, but I'm not usually awake during prime time, and there is never anything I want to watch when I am awake), so I called to have our service stepped up again. I miss the Food Network and HGTV! Also, the Winter Olympics are coming up soon, and I like to watch all the less-popular sports like curling and luge, as well as the 'big' sports like figure skating and snowboarding, and I know the network coverage of the less-popular stuff will not be enough! I need ESPN! (This is the only reason to have ESPN, as I do not care about football or whatever else they show on that station.)

Okay, now you are up to date on everything. You're welcome. Also, if you want to see baby pictures you can go here.


  1. Thanks for the pictures she is so adorable! Rachels blog is cute. Jamie was 5lbs 11oz when she was born so I understand about everything she had to wear drowning her. When Jax was born Jamie lived here in town and I used to go over to their condo everyday after I got off work just to hold Jax. Jamie accused me of only coming over to see the baby. I had to reassure her that I was only trying to "help" her out by giving her a little time for herself. That explanation worked. Either that or she just accepted that I just wanted to hold the baby.

  2. tell me about the yarn "blooming" I am unfamiliar with this
