There he is, in all his pissed-off glory! He had a small cyst on his shoulder drained, also, and now he has to have a dose of oral antibiotic every day, but since we are leaving on our vacation Sunday, I guess Nurse Rachel will be in charge of that!
Once I was up and about this morning, I also stopped to get the oil changed, and went to Walm@rt to get some groceries. As I was leaving the grocery area, I got a call from the vet's office to say that Patsy was ready to be picked up, so I called home and woke up Kim so she could go with me.
I dropped off the groceries and picked up Kim - I just needed company, it wasn't to wrestle the cat! So now we are home and I feel like I've had a full day already!
This afternoon Kim is going to use some carpet shampoo on the basement stairs, because Someone's Friend dropped a large cup of Mountain Dew as they came into the house last night, and if it was diet pop, it would just evaporate, but since it was full of sugar, well, someone has to clean that up.
As a bribe/reward, for cleaning the stairs, I bought Kim a bottle of Vampire cologne when I was shopping (and a pair of poison green flipflops!). She says it is better to smell like a vampire than a werewolf, because werewolves smell like a wet dog!
Okay, I'm going to go do some laundry and then just sit in a chair and read for a while. I've already had a full day and it's not even noon.
Patsy look like she wants to bite the little children!!