Tuesday, July 13, 2010

In which I stayed home like Cinderella.

Kim left for Chicago today to visit a friend for a couple of days, and while she is gone I'm cleaning her room! It's piled up with books, papers, boxes of dishes and computer cords and her printer and who knows what else, and also, enough clothing to clothe a third-world country. Hmm, maybe I should send some of her clothes to Haiti...

Last week I sat on her bed to keep her company one day while she cleaned out her closet, and we filled a bag that I took to the Goodwill, but the rest of the room is still so terrible that I can't walk through it to get to the bed. Maddy slept at our house last night, and she was asleep in my room so I went to Kim's room to take a nap before work on her bed, and ugh! I had to pick my way between piles of stuff to get to the bed!!

So today RA sat on the bed, folding clothes and putting them in piles, and I sorted out some of the boxes, deciding which ones can go to the basement, and filled another box with crap for the Goodwill. The clothes are piled on the bed, because her dresser drawers are so full that she can't put anything else in them, so my plan for tomorrow is to empty the drawers and give away more of her clothes!

I took a couple of boxes to the basement and Ash carried a heavier one down when he came over later, and it already looks much better in there. I've got it to a manageable state now and Kim could probably finish cleaning it up herself, except that she's out of town and I want to get it done now!

Kim texted me tonight and said she is having a great time in Chicago! They waded in Lake Michigan, went to the zoo (briefly), shopped a little (oh no! she bought a new shirt and a pair of shorts! More clothes!) and ate at a sushi place. I wish I was there, but I was home cleaning her room and eating leftovers. What's wrong with this picture?

1 comment :

  1. Poor Cinderellie!
    Please come to my house and throw away all the clothes that I don't wear anymore. Somehow I just can't make myself do it.
