Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I need a backpack, like the cool kids have.

I was going to try to get through this semester without carrying the big heavy book to class every week, and I still think I can do it, but I'm just not going to be able to leave it at work like I planned to. Damn.

Diane texted me while I was shopping with RA, and she said she was working on the Chapter 2 homework, but it was hard, and what did I get for number 59? Oh yeah, like I have that done! It's not due until tomorrow, so I was planning to do it at work tonight!

I told Diane I would talk to her about it tomorrow after I have a chance to look at it, but then Laura texted me, also about the chapter 2 homework, so I started to get a little concerned! What was in chapter 2? Maybe I'd better look at it!

Then I remembered that I cleverly left my book at work. Oh well, I can stick to my plan about doing the homework at work tonight, but then Laura mentioned the chapter 2 quiz! Oh man, I forgot all about that, and it's due tonight at 9! Crap.

So I logged on to the website and started looking at the quiz. Question 1, no problem. Question 2, had to think about it, but okay, did it. Question 3 - oh man, this is hard, but I'll come back to it. Question 4, hmm, I think I need to review some of this. I'll call Rachel! Oh. Rachel is taking a nap before work.

Well, I called Laura to see how she was doing on the quiz, and she was all done with it, had submitted it electronically, and had cleverly cut and pasted the questions, so she could refer to them later. Like when a friend needs some answers help.

After I finished and submitted the damn quiz, I decided to be more organized, like Laura and Diane. I need a bag to carry my book and some paper (so I don't have to mooch paper from Diane, like I did all of last semester), and my flashcards, because I need flashcards!

I didn't want to go shopping again, so I thriftily went shopping in Kim's room for school supplies! She has saved lots of stuff from high school and college (I found her day planner from junior high!), and she has pretty much everything I ever need! That's where I got my calculator when school started last year!

She didn't have a spare backpack in her closet, but I did find her bluetooth thingy that she has been looking for. It was in the pocket of the purse she was using before the one she is currently using. She must have transferred her stuff to the new purse and missed the bluetooth thingy - it was in a zipper pocket.

So I got a couple of her old spiral notebooks, and some mechanical pencils, but no backpack. No problem, I have a Project (Red) totebag that used to be Rachel's. I cleaned out the assorted half-done knitting projects and put in my chemistry stuff and blammo! I'm organized! Except for my chem book that I left at work, but I'll get that tonight. (I put a couple of those little knitting projects back in the bag, too, just in case.)

I'm all prepared now (well, except for that homework I have to do at work tonight), so I can relax and eat some chili. Ahhhh. It's a good feeling.


  1. You ARE one of the cool kids.
    Somehow I picture you carrying one of those cute little penguin backpacks. Or maybe a bunny.

  2. Excellent, a red bag is a sure sign of strength of knowing and success!! You go girl. Hey you are done with the quiz!! Snap, snap, oh that makes me want to eat some sugar snap peas, I wonder what the chemical composition is of them? Have a good class tonight. =^..^=
