Saturday, January 29, 2011

While the cats are away...

So Rich and I offered to watch Maddy for a couple of days so Rachel and Ash could go to Winter Wars in Springfield. They met in person for the first time at Winter Wars, so it's like an anniversary.

They left around one yesterday, and I was at the apartment with Maddy all afternoon while Rich was working at home. RA came over and brought lunch for us, and was very entertained by the ThinkGeek catalog she found on the table. She had never seen one before, and found it very amazing!

We fed Maddy some french fries and after we ate, when I picked her up from the high chair, her diaper felt a bit squishy, so I bravely started to change her diaper. I put her down on the floor and pulled off the old one, and as soon as the air hit her bottom, she surprised me by pooping on the floor! Eeek!

I reached behind me for the box of wipes, but it was empty! I yelled for RA to grab some wipes from the bedroom, and she hobbled in there to get some (her back is acting up), but there weren't any on the changing table! Oh noes!

I was still on the floor with Maddy, holding her legs to keep her bottom up out of the poop, but when RA couldn't find the wipes in the bedroom, I shifted into desperation mode! I picked up Maddy, and, holding her away from me, I ran to the kitchen sink. That's right, I hosed her butt off with the sprayer!

By then RA was on her way back to the living room, carrying a towel she had dampened in the bathroom, so I used the dry end of the towel to dry off the baby. We got her into a clean diaper, and used paper towels to clean the carpet. Whew!

After all that, RA decided we needed some ice cream from the Culvers around the corner, so she went out to get some for us. I finished cleaning the floor and changed Maddy's clothes. By the time RA got back, Maddy was in the high chair, all ready for a treat. I was exhausted.

1 comment :

  1. wow that was quite the afternoon. your ingenuity is amazing!
