Monday, August 29, 2011

How I waste time.

Diana thinks she is getting ahead of me by posting the Day 4 topic, Wasting Time, but I am going to camp onto her post about wasting time with Dr. Mario! See? Everything's a competition!

I probably knew at some point that Diana played Dr. Mario, but I have forgotten about it if I did know. We must have been wasting our lives playing Dr. Mario at about the same time.

I also played Tetris, so much that I felt slightly embarrassed about it, because I was good at it, and I would spend hours playing it while the kids were in bed, with tears running down my face because the game was moving so fast at the higher levels that I couldn't blink! I would just play and play with burning, tearing eyes!

One day I saw in the paper that there had been a Tetris competition in Detroit the previous weekend and some kid had won a largish amount of money. When I told Rich about it, he said I should play all I wanted to, since there was money in it!

It was after that (and I kind of think I hadn't been playing Tetris as much because eventually I did get tired of it), that my kids brought home Dr. Mario for me to play. It is very similar to Tetris, and I was pretty good at it, but although I did waste plenty of time on it, I think I had lost the fire for stacking things and I got over Dr. Mario relatively quickly.

I wouldn't mind playing a little Dr. Mario right now, just for fun.


  1. I think I remember your Tetris problem but who knew there was a competition?? sheesh.

  2. I wouldn't mind a little Tetris right now myself! I would never get far enough to be stressed, since I always loose doing stupid things, so there isn't any worry of that for me. But I love the image of you playing so hard that you were straining your eyes. Ha ha!

  3. I cannot believe that you did not list knitting as a time-waster. Oh, I'm sorry, I must have been channeling Chris for a moment.
