Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In which I am shameless.

Sarah suggested that we take part in a blogging activity called 30 Days of Shamelessness. I think by "shameless" it means things that we are a bit ashamed of, but that we don't need to be; in other words to let your weird flag fly.

Day one is 'A show you watch that isn't cool,' and I had a hard time thinking of one, because hey, if I watch it, it must be cool, but then when I was watching the coverage of Hurricane Irene on the Weather Channel, I realized that was the one. I love the Weather Channel when there is any kind of extreme weather going on! If there is a blizzard, or a hurricane - well anytime, really, that Jim Cantore is standing outside wearing protective weather gear? I'm there!

I love to sit in my chair with my knitting on my lap, drinking a diet Pepsi, and watching the wind blow! It's harsh! The reporters get buffeted, and sometimes pieces of roofing or lawn furniture blow by!

Once when a big snow was blowing into Chicago, I turned on the Weather Channel (over the protests of Kim, who was probably watching Spongebob), and there was Jim Cantore, wearing a parka, standing at an empty intersection in the middle of the snowstorm with a microphone in his hand, and I ran to the kitchen yelling to Rich, "Come on, Jim Cantore is in Chicago! We have to go right now!"

Rich just rolled his eyes and laughed at me, but when I went back to the living room, Kim was putting on her shoes. It was latish, and I asked where she was going, and she said, "You said we were going to Chicago!" in an annoyed way, like why was I even asking when it was my idea, and I had to explain that I was just being funny because it was Jim Cantore! In Chicago!

So yeah, that is probably the show I watch that is the least cool. Although I have also been known to turn on the TV Guide channel and just let it roll by, over and over, while I knit and watch it hopefully, waiting for something, anything, to look good. That might be considered a bit lame.


  1. well you should be thrilled with all that hurricane activity on the east coast!

  2. Ok, The Weather Channel and TV Guide...yup, uncool. Teehee.
