Monday, October 14, 2013

In which I was (gasp!) wrong!

So it looks like last week was just the preparatory week for the 30 Days of Curvy Yoga, and the actual doing of the practice started today. Well, here's the thing - I went to my regular Monday yoga class and then I went home, had some dinner and went to bed.

I think that I might just do the 30 day practice on the days that I don't have a class. Unless I have some need to feel morally superior to everyone around me, then I will totally do a class and then the home practice!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

In which I am zen as hell.

Today is the first day of 30 days of Curvy Yoga, and I am writing about it so I can remember when I started. Actually it started on Monday, but this is the first day of actually doing the yoga practice. The first few days were about committing, and setting an intention.

I know it seems like I am doing more than enough yoga - I have gone to three classes a week since June, and four classes a week for the last two weeks - but I want to do this 30 day program to develop the habit of a home practice.

So I'll be doing this home practice daily as well as my regular classes, but it won't kill me, this home practice is very gentle.