Monday, December 31, 2012

We hates it, precioussss.


It's New Year's Eve and I'm here at work, but I wouldn't be doing anything festive if I wasn't working, so this is just fine.

So you know that bat that Paula and I saw? It didn't leave. It must have flown upstairs and hid in Kim's room, because I've seen it in there, twice. I am the only one who has seen it, because it is is sneaky and it doesn't come out when Rich goes in there with his bat-catching net, wearing his gloves, and trying to nab it!

Like yesterday - I needed a ball of yarn that I thought was in a box in Kim's room, so I went up there, opened the door carefully and reached in to switch on the light, and the bat came swooping at the door! I slammed it shut in his face, and then when I turned around, I saw the ball of yarn I needed was in the box in the hall! So yay, I had the yarn, and didn't need to risk going into the Bat Room!

I went downstairs and told Rich the bat was flying around in there, but when he went upstairs it was nowhere to be seen. This is the second time I've seen Mr. Bat in that room and Rich hasn't been able to find it. I don't know what we'll do, except to keep trying to catch it, but until then, I can't let Maddy go in that room to jump on the beds, which is her favorite thing to do at Nan's house!

In other news, I went to the movies with Rich to see The Hobbit this evening. Good thing I had my knitting! The picture above shows how much knitting I got done. I cast on to start the sock when we sat down in the theater. The movie was really long and by the end of the second hour I was way over seeing dwarves fighting with ugly orcs. And ugly orcs riding ugly wargs. (There were ugly goblins, too, especially Scrotumchin, King of the Goblins.) It was all ugly and also? Boring. Fighting is dull. That white orc? That whole story was just added to make more fighting so the movie could be longer, and it's all just to make more money for the studio.

I'm sure Rich is wishing now that he had gone to the movie by himself, after I complained about it all the way home. He is planning to see the next two films without me.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Not all bats are as cute as Maddy!

I was talking to Diana on the phone last night, and although we are usually on a daily phone call schedule, we've been busy for a few days and have not talked as much, so I had to fill her in on everything.

Like, how the roof guys finally showed up and put a new roof on the house! Woot! It took two and a half days, and I had to sleep at Rachel's house for the first two days because roofers? They show up at the crack of dawn and begin pounding on your roof! So I went to Rachel's in the mornings after work and slept on the very hard futon in their guest room. The upside of that being that when I woke up, I got to play with Maddy!

Then there was the bat that came from I don't know where and was flying around in the house! While I was doing yoga! It's hard to focus on the sequence when there is a bat in the house! My friend Paula was here too, doing yoga with me, and she was a lot calmer than me, because she is a cardiac nurse, so she is totally grace under pressure.

Rich had been upstairs doing Tae Kwon Do in his office area, and had just come downstairs and was in the shower, completely unaware of the bat attack, and I may have been slightly panicky because, well, birds and bats are freaky, so Paula was being soothing, and I told her if she wasn't scared, she could open the front door to let it find it's way out. Which she bravely did, and we went back to doing yoga, with the front door open, and Sonny sitting by the door, wondering what the heck was going on.

When Rich got out of the shower, we told him about the bat attack and he closed the door and did a walk-through but didn't see the bat, so we think he maybe did find his way out. Ugh. I checked behind the curtains in the bedroom before I went to sleep, because bats are cunning that way, and they hide! We seem to be bat-free now, thank goodness.

Yesterday it snowed all day and Rich got his snow blower out to do the sidewalks. He said it's a wonderful sound when you start up the snow blower for the first time of the season.

Kim was supposed to come home last night, but she called yesterday to say that there was a dog-walking emergency, and she won't be able to come home until Monday. I am not happy about this at all, but at least she didn't have to drive home in the blizzard.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's beginning to look a little like Christmas.

We bought a Christmas Tree on Saturday, which is really early for us. We usually wait until the last possible minute to put up a tree, because eek! A Fire Hazard full of (probably) spiders is something I want in my house for as short a time as possible.

This year we have Maddy coming around, who is very interested in Christmas trees, so we wanted to get a tree in the house for her to look at and maybe help decorate. We got the tree, and Maddy did admire it, but then she wanted to go upstairs and jump on the bed in Kim's room, so the tree wasn't the huge hit I thought it would be.

In other news, Scott finished his book and published it on Amazon for the Kindle yesterday. It's called The Black Eye by Scott Duede, and he's selling it for a dollar, so go get it! He says if he makes enough money to buy a pizza, he'll consider it a success.

Also, have I mentioned how much I love yoga? Because I do. Tonight I was sitting in the living room feeling crabby, and wishing we did not have to always watch the damn History Channel, and I told Rich I needed to do some yoga because I hadn't done any practice since Thursday, and just a few minutes later I got a text from Luanne asking if we were going to do yoga tonight!

It's the Winter Break for all of the fitness classes at the Y, so we didn't have our regular Monday night class, so I thought it was a great idea! I texted the rest of my yoga friends and then went over to the church to set things up.

It was great to have Laura there - she has been swamped with studying but the semester is over so she could come to practice with us, and the three of us did the Rodney Yee Power Yoga DVD. When we were done I felt so much better, and I'm sure Rich was relieved when I came home in a better mood.
