Wednesday, September 21, 2016

So much technology!

Did you know that when you buy a CD from Amazon, that you get a digital copy of it, too? I found that out tonight when I was thinking about a Ben Folds song, and went to buy the MP3 on Amazon, thinking that maybe someone would show me how to put it on my phone later. (The song is There's Always Someone Cooler Than You, since you're dying to know.)

So I bought the song and then, not having anyone here at this moment to show me how to put it on my phone (and mock me in the process, I'm sure), I Googled "how to put a digital song on my phone" and I was told to get the music app from Amazon, so I did, and it said I had 499 songs in the cloud! What?! I looked to see what I have, and apparently every CD I (or anyone using my account) has ever bought from Amazon, is stored in the cloud!

I have no idea who bought some Andrew Lloyd Weber, but I bought that Patsy Cline album for Kim after she worked the soundboard at the theater for the Patsy Cline retrospective. The Monkees! The Beatles! George Michael! Lots of Ben Folds! Vampire Weekend! Cake! OMG! You know what's going to happen is that it will all sit there in the cloud, never being listened to, because I never listen to music unless I'm in the car.

Also? I already listened to the one song I wanted, so I'm good now.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Remember when I used to go to yoga classes 3 or 4 times a week? Well, I don't go that much anymore, and I can't really explain why. I started slowing down when I became a teacher, and I've just never gotten that momentum back.

I keep promising Shelley that I'll start going to the Monday night class at the Y with her, and then I never do it. I just sit there in my big chair, staring into the internet and talking to my cousin Diana on Skype, and I never leave the house.

Until tonight! I set an alarm to remind me to go, and I actually got up out of my chair and went to the class! Woot! Of course, I am going to have to work on this, to get the strength back for holding hard poses, but I can do it. I'm glad I went. Also, today I am thankful to Laura, who gave me a little push to go.

What I'm not thankful for? That all the places where I would want to pick up some food to take to work with me are closed before time for me to go to work, so I am eating microwave popcorn and string cheese for dinner at work tonight.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What I'm grateful for today:

  • I'm grateful to be at work, where there is air-conditioning.
  • I'm grateful for Kim's Tumblr blog, so I know what is going on with her.
  • I'm grateful for my friend Laura, who is my yoga, knitting, and taco friend.
  • I'm grateful for the birthday pedicure I got today with Caroline.
  • I'm grateful for the dogsitter (AKA the dog's boyfriend) who is making my life so much better.

  • What I'm knitting today: I'm about to start sock #2 of a pair of lovely cashmere socks for my friend Paula. The yarn is a beautiful color:

    The yarn is Dream in Color Jilly Cashmere, and I'm sorry to have to tell you that it is splitty as hell. It is soft to the touch, and as I mentioned, it is a wonderful color, but it's really annoying to work with.

    Sunday, September 4, 2016

    In which I am keeping up with the cool kids.

    I haven't written anything here for like ... two years? A long time. But now Diana is writing her blog again, and Kim just started a blog, so you know I have to be like the cool kids and write mine, too!

    What I did today - well, I went on a mile-long hike with Maddy, Rachel and Rich. Rachel is trying to get Maddy ready for a Girl Scout activity called the Thin Mint Rally or something like that, and it requires Maddy to walk a mile a day. I said I would do it, too, because I feel like I hardly ever get off of my own couch, so tonight was the first night of doing The One Mile Walk. We mostly talked about our favorite amusement park rides while we walked.

    Also, I practiced the piano this evening, which segues nicely into what I'm thankful for today - I'm thankful that I am terrible at reading instructions, so I didn't practice the right song for Primary today, and I got to practice sight reading.

    In other news, I went to Goodwill yesterday with Rachel to look for something she needed, and I found a fantastic coat for Kim to wear for cosplay. It's a really great steampunky long coat.

    Picture of the coat, modeled by Carolyn.