Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When will it end?

I've been taking this chemistry class and one thing I've learned is that I don't care about chemistry. I can't believe anyone does! So I'm studying for a test tomorrow and all I can think about is when it will be over and I will never have to think about chemistry again.

In other news, my phone is still smarter than I am, and also smarter than my dog. It has a lot of functions that I will never use, and a lot that I probably could use but only once, and then I will forget how I made it work the first time and will never be able to use again. I'm thinking that when Kim's contract is up in February, I will give her this ridiculously complicated phone, and I will get a new, simpler, phone. I'm looking forward to it.

We had a fun trip to Michigan over the weekend. We went for my niece Kate's wedding, so there was a lot of family time, including time with my brother Ed and his wife. I got to meet Jenna's son Chase, who is darling, and get manis and pedis with Jenna and Sarah. We got to know Inger's stepdaughter Heather better, and she is a lot of fun and really appreciated the armwarmers I knitted for her. (I love people who love my knitting!) Rich got to play golf with his dad and Jenna's husband on a really fun golf course, and we saw some old friends at the wedding reception.

Okay, that's the update. I have to go study chemistry.


  1. yay an update! I want to see a picture of the arm warmers!

  2. It is almost is almost over. Chemistry brings back those "explosive" nightmares, excuse the pun, ha, ha. I agree with Trouble, glad to read another post & who by the way, wouldn't so lovvvvvvvvvve something you knitted, I for one wear the pair you sent me all the time. Have a great Thursday, Audrey!! =^..^=
