Monday, July 13, 2009

Is it Tuesday?

I was minding my own business at home tonight when RA called and said she had just finished baking Experimental Pie #2 - a practice pie for her county fair entry. She wondered if Kim and I would like to come over and try it. Of course we would!

She made Experimental Pie #1 last week, and she and I each ate a piece, then discussed the ways it could be improved. She says her husband ate the rest of it over the weekend, and now he is a little tired of pie. Kim and I each ate a piece and so did RA, and we all agreed that the second pie was fantastic, and then RA packed up two more big pieces for me to take home for Rich and Rachel, because she was trying to give away as much as she could so she wouldn't find herself eating it in the middle of the night, or waking up on the kitchen floor with a sticky fork in her hand, and an empty pie plate next to her.

Rich got home from camp Saturday morning about 10, which is much earlier than I expected. I woke up when I heard him come upstairs, but then I went back to sleep. When I woke up again in the afternoon, he had unpacked his filthy clothes and draped his sleeping bag and mattress around the dining room so let them dry. He had a great time at camp!

Tonight I made some hot curried chicken for dinner, and Rich ate it, but he kept gasping for air and sweating because he thought it was too spicy. I told him that eating camp food ruined him, and asked him if he only ate sloppy joes and beans while he was there? He said they did seem to serve a lot of beans!

Oh, but while I'm talking about food, let me just say that on Saturday we grilled pizzas on the new grill, and they were wonderful! We still had dough left, so we made them again on Sunday, and really, I could eat them every day. I'm looking forward to grilling them again this weekend!

Kim is back to work this week, and is starting out the week with a sleep deficit. I'm afraid it can only get worse from here!

1 comment :

  1. damn, I would LOVEto be there so I could eat experimental apple pie.
