Tuesday, July 14, 2009

She's going to be pissed when she reads this.

Remember that game we played on the internet years ago, the one that tested your gaydar by asking you to identify whether a pictured man was gay or Eurotrash? (You can refresh your memory here. )

I was reminded of that game today, when Kim was getting ready to meet up with Sando and Davito at the county fair. She was wearing cargo shorts, and when she said she didn't want to carry her purse, I told her to put her ID and her debit card in one pocket and her phone in the other and that would be fine.

As Kim was arranging her pockets, Rich was coming down the stairs from his office, and overheard her mumbling something about a fanny pack, and he, wanting to be Mr. Helpful, said that he had lots of fanny packs! In his closet! and he ran back upstairs to grab one for her.

I groaned and told her not to wear a fanny pack, for crap sake, but she put it right on, and not slackly hanging in a casual way off of her hips, either, but cinched right up like a German tourist. As she headed out the front door wearing a fanny pack and cargo shorts, I wailed after her that she had plenty of pockets, but she paid no attention.

Rich demanded to know what was wrong with a fanny pack, pointing out that he wears them all the time! I told him that he is an old man who doesn't mind looking like a dork, but she is young and should be trying to look good! He found that offensive, go fig.

Everyone who knows Kim knows that she has a terrible tendency toward loading herself down like a pack mule, because she likes to have supplies for any situation that might arise - cut your finger opening a can of soda? She's got a bandaid! Have a headache? Allergies? Diarrhea? Kim has a small pharmacy in her purse! Do you need something to read? She's got books, a magazine, and a notebook with the novel she is currently writing, all in her backpack, along with dry socks and an extra pair of flipflops. She's got poptarts if you're hungry, and change to get a pop if you need one to wash them down. She's carrying a bottle of water if you get dehydrated...

So yes, Kim is the one you want with you if you are lost in the Alps, but I hate to send her out into a social situation, one where she might want to look cute and impress someone, looking like she's been staying at a youth hostel in Austria. If you need someone to carry the gold and jewels back from your quest through the mines, though, give her a call!

What I'm reading today: Just finished reading Julie & Julia, and I loved it! I knew about the blog when she was writing it, but I didn't read it all the time, and I heard there will be a movie soon, but then Diana mentioned that she was reading it, so I downloaded it yesterday and read it all night at work, and finished it tonight while Kim was out and Rich was at karate. After reading it all night, I had to buy the ingredients for Potage Parmentier (Potato Soup) and I made it for dinner. It was wonderful.

What I'm knitting today: I'm almost done with the body of the fourth baby blanket, another one that I'll be giving away to a pregnant friend, and I'm getting a little tired of the pattern. A few days ago I saw a new pattern on Brooklyn Tweed for a lovely lightweight wool baby blanket with a lacy edge, and I cast on for it right away. This wool is pale blue, and feels a bit scratchy on the needles, but I think it will wash up soft and be beautiful for Rachel's baby, Iggy. (Haha, I slay me!)


  1. I'm guilty of carrying way too much stuff in my gigantic purse from time to time. Let's see... an apple, a can of tuna, a small can of coffee, couple of tea bags, 3 movies (have to send them back to Netflix) pens, paper, and last week a jigsaw and a couple of paintbrushes. No wonder my back hurts.

    Thanks for stopping at my 5K blog. I still have to think of a name for it. Find yourself a fun-run that's happening on Thanksgiving weekend and train along with us.

  2. I have a very easy time imagining your husband in a fanny pack...
