Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Water! I need water, and possibly a fan.

Rachel called down from her floor last night to tell me that we needed to go to the farmer's market today, to buy some bread that one of the other nurses makes to sell. It sounded like a good plan to me, so when I woke up, I called her. She had just woken up too, and was ready to go.

(I called RA, but she was busy with some zuchini bread and had just put a casserole in the oven, so she couldn't leave.)

While Rich and Kim are gone, I have to drive Rich's car, because they took the van. My feet don't quite reach the pedals, so I have to drive with my toes! You can imagine how comfortable that is. When I picked up Rachel, she drove the car - her legs are longer than mine.

So we went to the farmer's market, and bought some vegetables, and some lovely breads, and then we went back to Rachel's, where we changed our shoes and went for a walk, but OMG, it was so hot!

There is a nice hilly path right by her apartment, so it is convenient, and I like the hilliness of it, so I want to do it again, but we only made one circuit today because of the heat. When I got home, I was so sweaty, and that made me feel really cranky!

I lay on the bed in my room, in the dark, with the ceiling fan on, because really I was wondering if I had heat exhaustion or something. I felt terrible! Rachel came to my house later to make salad, and I was feeling somewhat better by then. I got up and drank a big glass of water, and that helped.

So yeah, I am a fragile little wilting flower, but what I really wanted to tell about is the beautiful salad we made! Crazy Aunt Purl mentioned this list of 101 Summer Salads on her blog, and they all sounded good, so we decided to try to make all of them, one at a time of course, and probably in order, just for fun.

Today we made the first one on the list, with watermelon and peaches and some scraggly wilted basil that was getting old in my fridge. It was very good!

When Rachel left, I was tired, and I just went back to bed. Woke up at 10 and came to work. I slept a lot yesterday, too, so maybe I am catching up after being sick all week last week. Or maybe I was exhausted! From heat!


  1. I want to believe that something made with scraggly wilted basil leaves tastes good...

  2. I'm glad to see the comment issue resolved. I'm sure that was a huge contributor to the crabbiness.
    Yay for you guys going walking! Be sure to take a bottle of water with you if you're gonna go out in the heat of the day.
