Here is the blanket in progress :

It doesn't look very impressive in the photo, but I'll post another picture when it's blocked and I am confident it will be beautiful.
I was furious at work Sunday morning, in spite of the beautiful blanket, because the morning operator, who is one of the bimbettes from the answering service, was an hour late! I called the answering service when she was 5 minutes late, and they called me right back to say she had been mistaken about the time but would be here soon.
Half an hour later, when she still wasn't here, I called her myself, and asked if she was coming to work, and she said yes, in a tired voice, poor dear, and I asked if she was on her way? She sighed out another yes, and then proceeded to not show up for another half hour! WTH?
So then I was sitting there fuming about her not showing up for work, and how she isn't very smart about her job anyway, and apparently has no circulation at all, because she always turns the heat in the office up to 85 and turns on the little space heater, and then closes the door to keep the heat in...
That's when I had an idea...a terrible, awful, clever idea. I turned the thermostat down to 65 to start cooling the place down, and then I hid the little space heater on a shelf behind some boxes in the operations storage area. It was 7:45 by then, so I hurried back to the office and waited, but then I glanced up and saw two sweaters hanging on hooks behind the office door! I grabbed them, along with the lab coat that has been hanging there forever, and hurried to put them in the server room. The temps from the answering service can't get into that room- it's got one of those plates of buttons on the door to punch in the passcode, and the operators don't need to go into that room, so the temps don't know the code.
I sat back down at the desk, a little out of breath, but it was another five minutes before she came in, and instead of apologizing for being late, she gave me a dirty look, like it was my fault! So I didn't say anything, just picked up my bag and left, chuckling evilly to myself all the way to the parking lot.
Later this morning, when I was laying in bed, unable to sleep because that's how much my life sucks, I called Diana and told her what I'd done. I asked her if it was too evil, but Diana assured me that it was just evil enough. She said she thought the punishment fit the crime - she was an hour late! Yeah, it's not like I locked her in a walk-in freezer and went on home.
I was taking a nap before work tonight, and I dreamed that I was explaining to someone about Bimbette being late for work, and in my dream I called her a crackwhore, and then apologized, saying it was an insult to crackwhores, because at least they show up on time for work!
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