Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two weeks later...

Kim and I finally went back to the gym today! The last time we went was on a Friday, and then she went to Cedar Point with Rich and Sando on Monday, leaving me home alone - and you know I don't want to go and exersize by myself!

They got back on Thursday, so we walked the two-mile walk two or three times over the weekend and finally today, we dragged ourselves back to the gym. We were bitter, we were hatin', but we went and we worked, and really, it was better than another walk in the miserable humidity!!

Maddy has been gone with her parents since Thursday (do you see how that overlapped? and I was alone for almost a whole day? Thank goodness I had RA to keep busy with, so I didn't die of loneliness and boredom!) and I was really missing her, since I see her almost every day under normal circumstances.

Tonight they got home and I went over to play with Maddy while her parents unpacked the car. Oh, the happy fat baby! I think she's grown since she was gone! She's big! She rolled all around, and laughed when I jumped and said boo! She was really tired from her travels, but I forced Rachel to give her bath that she didn't want, and then Rachel gave her a bottle while I read The Dangerous Alphabet and part of a nursing textbook out loud to them, and then she fell asleep. So sweet!

I had to go home and take a nap before work, and Kim sat on the bed and edited a chapter of her novel while I tried to sleep. Kim turned on a recording of a gentle rain with some thunder in the background to soothe me, but after a while, she turned it down and said, "Is it raining outside?" and we could hear it through the open window, a nice, soothing rain. Another case of art imitating life.


  1. yay you for going back to the gym!

  2. I think I would have fallen asleep too if some one was reading a nursing text to me. I need one of those when Gunner is around. Glad your gym partner is back.
