Friday, August 6, 2010

In which I am not a doctor, but I can dose a baby. Sort of.

Friday is always such a long day! I went to bed early last night and woke up at 8, and went to do some errands with RA. I was back home finally at 2, but Kim needed some Mountain Dew and Ramen soup, so I went back to the store one last time.

Rachel brought Maddy over around 4 or 5 so that Rich could keep her overnight while the rest of us go to work. Maddy was having a bad day and Rachel had given her some infant Tylenol, but forgot to bring the bottle with her, so I had to go back to the drugstore later to get some. I accidently bought the wrong kind - I bought Children's ibruprophen instead of Infant ibuprophen, and there was no eye dropper in the bottle for measuring out the dosage and giving it to the baby.

I was looking around in the kitchen for something that we could give Maddy the medicine with, since she is too little to sip it from the tiny cup that comes with the bottle, and Rich suggested that we use the dropper from the cat's antibiotic. Kim had given the cat the last dose today, and she said she threw the bottle in the trash, so I went through the trash bag and found it!

I rinsed the eyedropper out carefully and then I had to figure out how much of the ibuprohen to give Maddy, based on the recommended doseage for a two-year old, and then I had to figure out how many of the tiny cat-size doses in the eyedropper would add up to the right amount for a baby. When I told Rachel about it on the phone at work just now, she figured it out on paper and told me I hadn't given her enough, but hey, that's better than giving her too much!


  1. wow, that is brave on so many counts I can't even tell you and the fact that Rachel is a new mom and figuring out cat doses vs. baby doses and not freaking out makes me think she is the best mom in the world.

  2. Yes! I was brave! I'm guessing that most people won't get that, all they will take away from this story is that I dosed the baby with a cat's eye dropper and they will miss the bravery of me, digging through the TRASH, to find that bottle of cat medicine! Thank you for getting it. You are the best.

  3. You dosed the baby with a cat's eye dropper!?!?

    Just kidding, I read the last two comments. I would have done the same thing.
