Monday, August 16, 2010

In which I have no class, but I had to go to one.

Today was my first day of Intro to Chemistry. This is the second time I've taken the class, and this time I'm taking it as a lecture class instead of self-paced. Last time I took the self-paced class and it was horrible, because I am not very motivated, and also, I don't like to do things involving numbers - they make me feel woozy and I have to lay down.

I had to go straight from work, so I stopped and bought a bottle of Diet Pepsi to keep me going, and I met my friend Diane outside the building and we walked in together.

I think the best part about the class will be making fun of some of the other students. It certainly won't be my amazing new knowledge of chemistry.

One woman followed us down the hall to class, talking in a cigarettes-and-whiskey voice about the stressful summer she had, and after class, she followed us outside and joined us in talking to someone Diane was introducing me to. Whiskey Voice lit a cigarette and started babbling about herself, and her kids, and her love of chemistry class - ugh. I was so tired from being up all night that I just stared at her and nodded, wishing she would go away, and finally Diane excused us. As we walked toward the parking lot, Diane said, "We need to avoid her in the future!" and I couldn't agree more.


  1. Do you get to do labs and blow stuff up? That's the only good reason I can think of to take a chemistry class.
    Okay, well, there is that part about making fun of people...

  2. Just think, if you don't get anything else out of this class, you'll get great stuff to blog about! Oh yea, I just have one question for you.....Why Chemistry?!
