Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In which my phone is a problem.

Rich went down to E-ville on Thursday - just a quick run down and back to get a load of Kim's belongings to bring home. She wanted to stay until Saturday to say goodbye to all of her friends, so she ended up being the last one out of the apartment, and brought home her own stuff, plus whatever the other girls left behind that was worth taking.

So Kim is home, and her stuff is slowly being carried out of the main floor of the house, and stashed in her room, or in the basement. She is washing her clothes, and getting a lot of sleep, and by next week she'll be ready to start looking for a job.

My phone has been acting up again, and the last time the 'fix' was to update the operating system, but the problems are back now, except they are worse. I took it back to the store again and this time I am getting a replacement phone. It should be delivered tomorrow!

I can hardly wait to get the new phone, since one of the problems (but not the worst one) is that the bottom line of keys, including the space bar, will not work. It's not impossible to type messages that can be read without a space bar, but when you don't have spaces AND you can't type an N, M, or C, it is almost impossible.


  1. I read this and immediately wanted to text you just to be annoying.
    Hope your new phone is more better.

  2. your phone was killing my soul - so glad the new one is here.
