Saturday, January 18, 2014

In which I am knitting, reading, and not cursing.

What I'm eating today:
Kim made pizza using some gluten free dough I bought at the grocery store in tubs, like cottage cheese. She couldn't find any pizza sauce in our cupboard (because I don't really like red sauce, and I never make pizza, so why would we have any?) so she bravely looked up a recipe on the internet and made her own sauce! From scratch! She's amazing.

What I'm reading today:
Faking It by Jennifer Crusie. I'm re-reading it because it's one of my favorite books by her, and the last couple of books I started that were free for the Kindle were pretty bad, so I went back to something I know I like.

What I'm knitting today:
I just started yet another sweater for myself. I've been trying to make myself a sweater since the weather got colder in the Fall, but have stopped after a few inches on every one of them. I start worrying about the sizing, or whether it will be too hot, or will it be long enough and will I run out of yarn. As a result, I don't have a sweater that I can just grab to put on. Very annoying.

I'm using a pattern I found on Ravelry, called Campanula. It is a top-down, v-neck, that will require no seaming when it's done. I have plenty of the yarn I'm using, which is Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in black. The pattern is one where you apply your measurements to some math-y computations (ugh), and come up with a sweater that is the right size. I am going to work on this sweater until it is done! I'm just going to finish it! That's right, I will have a finished sweater, darnit!

Why I am not swearing today:
Apparently Maddy used a bad word in preschool last week, and the teacher spoke to Ash about it after school. Rachel called and scolded me for teaching the baby bad language, and I am not even going just going to mention here the time the baby calmly said 'Dammit' when she saw me drop a cupcake on the floor, frosting side down, a word that she learned from her father, thank you.

So we decided on some acceptable expressions of anger and/or frustration. The permitted words are 'Darnit', 'Bummer', and 'Papercuts'. I know, they are not as satisfying or funny as some of the other sentence enhancers, but that's all we get.

I'm going to go knit on my sweater now. Until it is done, darnit!