Friday, September 18, 2009

Me and my dead plants

Remember those plants I bought at the farmers market a couple of weeks ago? They died. Remember when I started the spider babies and turned the upstairs bathroom into a green house? Dead. I'm tired of trying to grow plants that just die, and I shouldn't have gotten all puffed up with pride about that one lousy spider plant that is my only agricultural success.

What could be the cause of all this senseless plant death? I think it might be the lack of direct sunlight. Our house is surrounded by big trees, and it's nice that they keep us cool and shaded, but the downside is that we don't get enough light for plants. That's my theory, anyway, and it's good enough.

I was so sleepy last night that I went to sleep about 8:30, and I have a fuzzy memory of hearing Rich come home from Tae Kwon Do, but I missed a call from Kim. She left a voice mail and sent a text message, though. The text says she was on her way home from a writing class in which they read and discussed some feminist essays that were pretty traumatic!

My poor little girl! She is already a man-hater, and this will probably make it worse. I wish I could protect her from hearing all of the atrocities that men have perpetrated on women through time, and all around the world, but no, she has to hear it in her writing class? How is that going to make her a better writer? She has plenty of neuroses of her own, she doesn't need to soak up the traumatic experiences of anyone else to add to her burden of worry and guilt! I hope she made another appointment with her mental health counselor!

So I'm up, and I paid some bills and did some assorted paperwork I've been avoiding, and now what? I was thinking of walking on the treadmill, so maybe I'll get dressed and do that for a while. I can prop my laptop on the bars and watch TV over the internet to amuse myself while I walk. Maybe by the time I'm done, Rich will be up and he can entertain me with witty chatter while he eats breakfast. No, that's not going to happen.

1 comment :

  1. listening to my friends talk about their boyfriends/husbands over the years is what made me a raging man hater - I can't imagine whta would have happened if I'd take a college course in feminist writing... poor thing.
