Monday, July 6, 2009

In which we enter the machine age.

First day of Rich's long week at BS camp and I managed to get through the day without doing dishes. How did she do that? you may wonder. Here is the secret - I didn't cook or eat at home all day! I went out with RA for lunch when I woke up, and brought back a hamburger for Kim, and then I went to the Chinese buffet with Rachel and Ash for dinner. Now I am at work, and I'll have oatmeal later, or a peanut butter sandwich.

Kim has been gone all day. She left after she ate her burger, and wasn't back when I left for work. I texted her when I got home from dinner and she said she was watching anime at Ana's because Ana's family was in Chicago all day and she was lonely. I looked around my empty house, and sighed. Irony, much?

The only company I had at my house today was when Rachel and Ash came over to get my old knitting machine. They were very excited about putting it together and using it. They took it back to their place and Ash set it up, and when we went out to dinner, they were telling me how great it was working! We went to the fabric store after dinner to buy more yarn for him to practice with, but tonight when I got to work I called Rachel and she said the knitting machine was sitting in the corner for a while. Apparently there were some problems, and Ash needs a break before he goes back to using it. Yeah, that happened to me, too, and the break has lasted about 10 years. That's how long it's been under the bed in the yarn room.

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