Monday, September 12, 2016

Remember when I used to go to yoga classes 3 or 4 times a week? Well, I don't go that much anymore, and I can't really explain why. I started slowing down when I became a teacher, and I've just never gotten that momentum back.

I keep promising Shelley that I'll start going to the Monday night class at the Y with her, and then I never do it. I just sit there in my big chair, staring into the internet and talking to my cousin Diana on Skype, and I never leave the house.

Until tonight! I set an alarm to remind me to go, and I actually got up out of my chair and went to the class! Woot! Of course, I am going to have to work on this, to get the strength back for holding hard poses, but I can do it. I'm glad I went. Also, today I am thankful to Laura, who gave me a little push to go.

What I'm not thankful for? That all the places where I would want to pick up some food to take to work with me are closed before time for me to go to work, so I am eating microwave popcorn and string cheese for dinner at work tonight.

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