Sunday, September 4, 2016

In which I am keeping up with the cool kids.

I haven't written anything here for like ... two years? A long time. But now Diana is writing her blog again, and Kim just started a blog, so you know I have to be like the cool kids and write mine, too!

What I did today - well, I went on a mile-long hike with Maddy, Rachel and Rich. Rachel is trying to get Maddy ready for a Girl Scout activity called the Thin Mint Rally or something like that, and it requires Maddy to walk a mile a day. I said I would do it, too, because I feel like I hardly ever get off of my own couch, so tonight was the first night of doing The One Mile Walk. We mostly talked about our favorite amusement park rides while we walked.

Also, I practiced the piano this evening, which segues nicely into what I'm thankful for today - I'm thankful that I am terrible at reading instructions, so I didn't practice the right song for Primary today, and I got to practice sight reading.

In other news, I went to Goodwill yesterday with Rachel to look for something she needed, and I found a fantastic coat for Kim to wear for cosplay. It's a really great steampunky long coat.

Picture of the coat, modeled by Carolyn.

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