Monday, June 7, 2010

The weekend is a blur. I think there was cake.

I had three days off and I can't remember anything I did. Oh wait, I went to a wedding reception on Friday, but I was only there for about 20 minutes. On Saturday I spent an hour at an open house for a friend's son, and I cut cake and poured punch the whole time, so I was busy and talked to lots of people as I passed out cake. But what was I doing the rest of the time? It's a puzzle.

There was an hour or so on Saturday afternoon when I went to RA's to see her grandchildren, and I was quietly texting Rachel to come over because I have to tell you something - I am not that interested in children that I am not related to! So I was holding a sleeping baby, and watching the other little girl run around, and I just wanted to leave! But you know, RA is always kind enough to pretend to be interested in my grandchildren, so I felt like I owed her.

Rachel brought Maddy to RA's house, and then RA's daughter and Rachel went to get ice cream and left the babies with us! I had already had enough of kids by then, but I am always happy to see Maddy, and she rolled around on the floor to amuse me. Thanks, Mads!

On Sunday, Heidi, my knitting friend who moved to San Diego but is visiting for a few days, came over to my house in the afternoon to knit with me. She worked on a Baby Surprise Sweater that I had just started, so now she knows how to count ridges and do the double decreases, and while she did that we talked and I sewed up two and a half finished sweaters and grafted together the toe of a sock!

So now I have finished Baby Surprise Sweaters to show you, and I will, really I will, just as soon as I cast off the one that is almost done. Then I'll have an unsewn one to show with a sewn one.

What I'm reading today:

Mrs. McGinty's Dead by Agatha Christie. I have lots of Agatha Christie books at home, but I do not have all of them. This is one I know I read a long time ago, but I couldn't remember it, so I bought it for my Kindle and read it at work last night. Tonight I am going to read Murder on the Blue Train.

What I'm eating today:

Rachel and Maddy came to our house this afternoon and we all went for a walk. Afterward Rachel made Chicken with Mushrooms in a really good mustardy sauce, and it was great.

What I'm knitting today:

I've got one Baby Surprise Sweater, almost done, on the coffee table at home, and another one about halfway done, sitting here at work with me. I have yarn for one more at home in the Yarn Room, and I think when that one is finished, I will be done with these little sweaters for a while. I have baby gifts for everyone! Now I really need to focus on finishing Carolyn's Christmas sweater!

1 comment :

  1. Those little sweaters are like crack eggs! You just can't get enough . . . until all of a sudden you realize that you ate / knit way too many and you feel sick.
