Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In which there was knitting. Also, cookies!

So there is much rejoicing tonight as a new yarn store opens! In my town! I've been keeping an eye on the place since I noticed it a few weeks ago - there was a sign that said it was opening soon, and then on Friday I was downtown and saw a woman sitting in a chair inside the store, knitting!

I waved at her and she beckoned me inside! There wasn't a lot in the store, but she said she was waiting for a delivery, and she let me look around. She said they would be opening on Monday, and there would eventually be classes offered, and it all sounded very exciting!

Then yesterday I was gone all day, so the store opened without me, but this afternoon Rachel and I took Maddy to her first yarn store! Maddy thought it was just great! There was lots of open floor space for toddling around, and there were yarn balls to pull off of shelves while Rachel and I ran along behind her, putting the yarn back on the shelves!

I texted Laura to come see the store, and she was there in just a few minutes, and by then we were having to distract Maddy by letting her pull everything out of my purse, and she was sitting on the floor wearing a necklace I had put in my purse just for her to play with, and on the floor around her were my wallet, some random receipts and lists, and she had pulled one of the needles out of my current sock project.

Rachel had to go home to get ready for work, anyway, so she took Maddy, and left me there with Laura, who then picked out yarn for a hat and started making a swatch to find the right size needles. I sat with her, and fixed the knitting that Maddy pulled out.

Tuesday is going to be Knitting Night at the shop, so I called another friend (Paula, a friend from work), and told her to come and check it out, and bring her knitting! The official start time for the group knitting was 7, so we had time to go to my house to start some dinner for Rich first.

When we got to my house, Rich was already gone, but I threw together some Curried Chicken and left it for him to eat when he got home, and we went back to the yarn shop to knit!

It was so nice to sit with other knitters and just knit! There was just a small group tonight (Paula, Laura and me! Who needs any more than that?), but I think it's going to grow, and I'm very excited about it. It's so great to have a yarn shop in town again!


  1. I am soooo jealous. I want a yarn store in my town.

  2. I thought Rich didn't like curried chicken? I love your new yarn store and can't wait to see it.
