Monday, September 12, 2011

In which I have nothing to hide.

I'm getting tired of the 30 days of shamelessness, and I've been making up some better and more interesting topics that we can use when this series is finished.

In the meantime, hmmm, something dirty that I usually hide? OMG, when do I hide anything? I haven't had a cleaning lady for at least two years now, since the one I had (for about 10 years) decided she had more important things to do than clean houses, so that's how long it's been since my house was actually clean!

Or do you mean something dirty like Bondage Fairy comics? I bought some years ago on a trip to a comic book store in Phoenix with Diana and Sarah, and they were very entertaining and very dirty, but I haven't seen them in years. I think I threw them out so my cleaning lady wouldn't see them.

The next thing is Sweat, which isn't really something I want to talk about because ewwww, I hate sweat! I hate looking at sweaty people, and I get crabby when I am sweating in the summer. I was very surprised to find that we sweat in yoga class! I thought yoga was all serene stretching and, you know, thinking about nothing!

No, the truth is that we go to class, spread out mats, and then the teacher works us like a rented circus monkey! Today we had to tuck one foot up against the opposite inner thigh and bend over the extended leg, only not really over it, just off to that same side, and stretch the top arm up and outward, over our ear, and look up at the ceiling, and then the teacher got up and went to talk to a student for a couple of minutes and left us all sitting there bent over to the right and stretching our left arm up and over and we were just holding it forever with our rib muscles gasping in shock!

And that is why, when I get home from yoga, I am not only sweaty, but in need of a handful of ibuprofen!


  1. I've never done yoga so I love reading about your experiences. Rib muscles.. love it.

  2. Audrey, you could classify the yoga sweat as good sweat though!! So I take it that you and Rich don't sweat!!! ha, ha, I made a funny sweat joke!!! =^..^=

  3. And this? Is why I've not done yoga. It's bad enough that I sweat just thinking about working out. Love this! And I like that the code word was "did less" when first attempting posting this.

  4. Yoga does cause some serious sweat. If you aren't sweating, you aren't doing it right. Also, I am getting tired of being shameless. I kind of want to go back to hiding my dirty laundry instead of airing it out. And I forgot about the bondage fairy comics! I don't know where mine is.
