Friday, August 21, 2009

She's gone and she'll take her mattress with her

Rachel called our house early this morning, and I can't remember why, but apparently she didn't get an answer on my cell phone, so she called Rich's phone, which he had thoughtlessly left on the headboard, and the ringing woke me up! It was 7:30!

Once I was awake, I stumbled downstairs to scold Rich for leaving his phone on where it could disturb me, and then I listened to the message Rachel left on my voicemail, but I still can't remember what it was about.

Kim was already up, and was eager to get out the door to drive back to college today, but she couldn't leave until after her dentist appointment at 10. It was a good thing she couldn't leave until later, because after her appointment, she came home and looked through her paperwork to be sure of her check-in time, and found out that check in is tomorrow! Which gave her another day to relax at home with her mother, and to pack a few last-minute things.

I was feeling a bit frustrated today because all I really want to do is go to Scott and Carolyn's to see the new baby and to pay attention to Soren so he doesn't feel left out. I had to be content with calling Scott a couple of times, and getting a couple of calls from them. There were pictures, too.

It will be nice when Rachel has a baby that is right here on the spot for me to play with!

1 comment :

  1. Well I'm all caught up on reading your entries since you switched. I just want you to know that I think your entries are highly entertaining and I laughed till I cried on a couple of them. Love ya
