Monday, March 28, 2011

In which I slept all day.

I worked last night and when I went home this morning I went to bed just a little after 8, and then I slept all day! I usually get up about 2 so I can go out with RA to get a big pop and do some shopping or errands, but today I didn't go out at all.

What I cooked today:

Because I didn't go out, I had a little lunch at home and then did some laundry and made supper for Rich and I. It was fast and easy with almost no preparation - I put frozen tilapia fillets in a baking pan that I sprayed with cooking spray and baked them for a half hour, and cooked two sweet potatoes in the microwave for 10 minutes. I thought about steaming some broccoli but that didn't happen.

What I am knitting today:

Still working on the Wallaby for Maddy in size 4. The baby Wallaby is done, it just needs some ends woven in. That always takes longer than the actual knitting because of my dread of finishing. What usually happens is that a finished object will wait until I have two or three other things to finish and then I'll do tham all at once, usually at the last minute when someone needs one of them. Or when there is something boring and long on TV and I need something to do with my hands while I ignore it watch (like if Rich is watching golf or 2001, A Space Odyssey).

What I am reading today:

I'm almost done with Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married, and then I'll have to look through my Kindle archive and see what else I've got. I bought a book written by someone I know, and RA insists that it's good, so I will probably force myself to read that next, and then I can read the murder mystery I got as a free book today.

What Maddy did at Nan's house today:

Maddy came over for an hour tonight, and here is what she did. First, she had to go upstairs because she loves to go up the stairs! Sonny was so excited to see her, and he has to stay near her in case she drops something edible, even if she isn't carrying any food at all, because you just never know!

So Maddy and Sonny went upstairs. She went into Kim's room, which is a treasure trove, but we have put everything she can't touch up too high for her to reach, so she just walks around and looks at everything and checks the bed to see if the cat is sleeping there.

Maddy left Kim's room and went into the bathroom, where she looked in the cupboard, looked in the toilet (then I closed the lid), and headed for the dog's upstairs water bowl. I hastily moved that because last time she was in the bathroom, she spilled the dog's water all over the floor and my socks got wet! Ick!

Then she went into my room, where I threw her onto the bed, thinking she would like that, but she found it too scary, so we just slapped the surface of the bed and yelled Boom! Well, I yelled Boom, and she laughed, over and over, until I got tired of it. Then she looked at everything on the headboard while I made the bed with both Maddy and Sonny on it. That's right, I changed the sheets on my bed with a baby and a dog ON the bed! I am amazing like that.

After the bedmaking, Maddy was ready to go back downstairs, and Rich had some toys out to entertain her with. She watched her ZhuZhu hamster run around, and then she carried a toy cell phone off to the kitchen (probably to make a private call). I followed her to the kitchen to move the dog's food and water bowls up out of her reach before she could make dog soup with them, because dogs? They don't like dog soup.

I filled a coffee cup with Sugar Pops and we went back to the living room, where Maddy sat on my lap and ate cereal, one piece at a time, and watched some Sesame Street music videos for a while. This is why I can never get the Wubba Wubba song out of my head!

Rich enticed her back to the toys then, and they played with a fun toy that has a plunger in the top and when you push it down the insides turn around and around. It was a present for Maddy from Rich's parents when she was about 6 months old, and she has always liked it, but she couldn't push down the plunger by herself until recently, so we had to sit with her to plunge it for her entertainment. She can almost do it herself now, so I made a little video of her and Rich playing with it. I was planning to send it to his parents, and I will when I figure out how to send it from my phone! The best part is that you can hear Rich in the background, singing a little song about the dog's dirty butt.

And then Ash came back to get Maddy, and I went upstairs and took a nap on my clean bed.

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