Saturday, March 19, 2011

In which it looks like Spring.

It was so beautiful and sunny out today that RA and I went to McDs to get a big soda, and then just drove around in the sunshine, drinking our pop and looking out the windows! Tonight was the night of the biggest full moon in 20 years, and I was looking for it as I drove to work, but it was covered with clouds, so it may have been huge, or hey, it might not!

I've been walking indoors with Leslie Sansome DVDs all Winter, and today I used the five-mile one for the first time. It turned out to be quite a walk, and I was dripping sweat by the time it ended. Rachel and Ash dropped by with Maddy when I was about halfway through it - they wanted to get the stroller and take Maddy for a walk to get something Rachel left at work at the hospital last night, and then they were going to the park. I told them I would meet them at the park when I was done.

That five-mile walk is all 12-minute miles, so it takes an hour, and it is work! I was so sweaty when I got done, that I had to change clothes before I could go to the park. Rich was ready to go out to walk the dog, so we all walked to the park together.

It was sunny out, but the breeze was cool. I wore a light sweater but I didn't wear a t-shirt under it because I was still very warm from the walking workout, and I was comfortable until we started to walk back home. I was feeling a little cold, so Rachel gave me her sweatshirt to wear. She was warm enough and had just been carrying the sweatshirt.

Maddy enjoyed the park, and Sonny thought it was all very interesting. He sniffed around, but we couldn't let him off the leash at all because he is an idiot and chases squirrels, and we're afraid he would chase one right into the road.

What I'm reading today:

The Edith Wharton Murders by Lev Raphael. I had to order it from Amazon, because it isn't available for the Kindle and my library didn't have it either, so I bought it used.

What I'm cooking today:

Made curried chicken for the first time in weeks, and I love it. I could eat that every day! I don't know why I haven't made it recently. Tomorrow I'm going to make chili in the crockpot in the morning so we can eat it when I wake up in the afternoon.

What I'm knitting today:

I'm almost done with the triangular scarf I'm knitting as a thankyou gift for the person who gave me that big box of yarn last week. Just a couple more rows and it will be done.

I brought the hunter green Wallaby to work tonight, and I'd like to get that done this week.

Almost done with sock number one of a pair of plain beige socks. They were going to be My Vampire Boyfriend socks for Kim, but that pattern was just too labor intensive!

Still working on the gray hoodie for Kelly, Karin's sister. She has been giving me her textbooks for the classes I'm taking, and I wanted to make her a sweater to thank her. When I'm done with this sweater, I'm going to make another one for Carolyn because it's cute and easy.


  1. Aw, those Vampire Boyfriend socks are so worth it, though. . . but you're right, they take a ton of work. Which is probably why I knit three pairs of the Sock Club before I looked at them, and they have been the only pair that's been late thus far.

    And I still want to knit a wallaby every time I hear about yours. That's comfort knitting, for sure.

  2. love love love the "what I'm" portion of the show! Do it often!
