Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In which I had a great title, but I forgot it.

As I was falling asleep tonight, before my evening nap, I thought of a great title for this journal entry, and I thought I would remember it when I woke up, but no, I forgot it. Darn.

So I woke up at 2 this afternoon, like I had planned, because RA and I were going to pick up some Papa Murphys pizza to take to someone who was supposed to have a minor outpatient surgery today, but as soon as I woke up, I had a call from RA to say that the surgery was cancelled. We didn't need to take the pizza to our friend, but we went to get pizza anyway, because I wanted the chicken, bacon and artichoke pizza for myself for dinner!

Diana and Laura were coming over to do the Chapter 16 homework and quiz, and Laura brought some great brownies, so with the pizza (and the desert pizza!) and her brownies, we had plenty of food to keep us going while we slaved over chemistry! We actually managed to get it all done in three hours, and had a wonderful feeling of accomplishment at the end.

I didn't do anything else today, just got up and went to get a big pop and the pizzas, then home to do chemistry. I came to work a few minutes early tonight and took some leftovers up to Rachel's floor for her to snack on tonight.

1 comment :

  1. That sounds to me like you and everyone got alot accomplished!! Don't dislike me too much, I have to tell you that I really, really like chemistry and especially physics in school. So maybe eventually you will like it a tiny bit. There is alot of chemistry going on in cooking you know. Have an excellent day. =^..^=
