Saturday, October 17, 2009

And now it's quiet.

I got up today after about 5 hours sleep, and never got any more. Oh well, I'll catch up tomorrow. Or maybe Monday.

Kim was sitting on the couch in her pajamas, Rich was in the chair watching TV with the cats, and I had to go right to the den to start harvesting crops in Farmville. It's relaxing, really.

I found a letter from Wendy in my email inbox, letting me know that the increases I was working on the Mondo pulli aren't right, so I'm going to rip back on that and start again. (If you don't like to rip, you don't like to knit.) I don't know how I messed up the increases this time, I had them right the first time, but I had to start over with a larger needle to get the gauge, and now I've got them wrong. No problem.

So Kim went off to take a shower, and Rich went away to work on RA's computer, and I just fiddled around on Farmville, and uh, yeah, that's all I did.

Sando came over, having previously planned to go to late lunch with Kim, and they waited for Rachel to call about the apple orchard. Rachel worked last night too, and was just getting up, so they finally went to lunch, while they waited for her to call them back.

An hour later they called to ask for directions to the orchard. Kim and Sando had met up with Rachel and Ash at their place, and they were on their way, but having trouble actually finding the orchard. I know how that is, because how many times have I ridden around out in the country with RA, trying to find that place? I totally know where it is now, and I told them, but they didn't trust me, and wanted me to get the street address for them so they could put it into the Garmin.

While they were gone, I cleaned up the living room, because there was enough cat hair on the rug to make another cat. Another hour or so went by and then Kim and Sando returned, bearing apples, cider, and donuts from the orchard.

Rachel and I had tickets for a dance recital tonight, given in honor of Rachel's former dance teacher, by some of her former students who found out that their teacher has cancer. The show was to benefit the American Cancer Society, and of course we wanted to go.

Most of the dancing was modern, not ballet, and it was a very fun and interesting program. Some of the peformances were better than others, and because it was modern dance, some of it was inexplicably weird. There was a guest dancer from Chicago, a young black man, who was a wonderful dancer, and everybody loved his performance. That number was one of the best in the show.

The low point of the show was a number called Untitled, and Rachel and I amused ourselves afterward by thinking of titles for it. The music wasn't exactly music, it was the sounds of machinary not functioning properly. Broken Alarm Clock was one possible title, and also, Who Let the Cogs Out? Really, it was killing me, and Rachel said she wanted to jump up and start screaming! We both remained calm, but I think it was making me autistic.

The very last number was a dance over two stools, and the dancer was a long, lean beautiful girl, who was a pleasure to watch. She writhed over and around and under those chairs in constant motion, and kept it up through two Patsy Cline songs, and I just wanted her to sit down! It was making me unbelievable edgy, especially since I hadn't fully recovered nerve function after Untitled. I started giggling from nervousness, and Rachel was wondering what was wrong with me, but I shook my head and held it together until it was all over. Whew!

The dancers called their teacher up to the stage at the end and everyone stood and applauded her, and then they asked all of her former students who were in the audience to stand also, and Rachel stood up with the others, even though she is feeling clumsy and chubby (hello? pregnant!) and I was crying, but lots of other people were, too. It was very sweet.

And we laughed all the way to the car, because damn! Sometimes things are just funny.

Back at my house, Sando and Kim had been joined by Catsy, and they had been watching TV and computing, but they were moving into the dining room to play Munchkin, leaving the TV going so they wouldn't miss any of Spongebob!

I had an hour until it was time to leave for work, so I went up and just lay on the bed in the dark and dozed, but I could hear a constant murmur of laughter from the kids downstairs, and anyway, I was too wired up from the show to really nap.

So here I am, back at work. I'm going to just knit on a sock and read a book and calm down now.


  1. Sounds like a busy happy weekend.
    I know about the pulling out stuff that doesn't work. Right now my tv watching project consists of one piece being crocheted from another piece because I'm too lazy to unwind and make a ball.

  2. I read the part about Untitled to Neil and he was laughing out loud! v. funny

  3. I've been to dance competitions and recitals where you see performances that make you wonder "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!" I can so relate
