Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In which it is slightly colder than I expected.

It was beautiful outside today, just sunny and lovely, and I went out all day in a sweater over a t-shirt and was perfectly comfortable. I don't spend a lot of time outside, just going from my house to the car, or the car to the store, and I didn't feel cold at all.

So tonight when I was getting ready for work, I looked at my winter coat and thought about how much I didn't want to put on that bulky coat, and carry all my stuff (my big purse, my big tote bag full of books, snacks, and knitting), and I didn't feel cold at that moment, standing in the hallway of the house, so I left my coat at home.

As I left the house, I called Diana to tell her something and mentioned that I was going out without my coat because I didn't feel like wearing it, and she begged me not to, because at her house in Phoenix at that moment she was feeling a bit chilled because it was raining. I laughed, haha, and went on out to the car.

When I stepped outside, well yes, the air immediately felt very ... brisk, but I ignored it, and Diana told me to go back in and get my coat, but did I do it? I did not.

I park pretty close to the building at work, but it's a little walk across the lot to the employee entrance, and by the time I got halfway there, I was telling Diana that I missed my coat, but by then it was too late. I was good and cold by the time I got inside!

I always go straight to the internet when I get to the office, and I opened my iGoogle page, that has a feature that shows me the temperature in four places, my town, Diana's town, Scott's town, and Kim's town, and to my (stupid) surprise, it was telling me that it was only 8 degrees outside! Yeah, no wonder I was cold. Tomorrow I'll wear my coat to work.


  1. and Icy! your forecast for the next 2 days says Icy! please wear a coat so I won't be cold.

  2. Don't let a brief spell of warm lull you into a false sense of "I don't need no stinkin' coat."

    I left my coat at work the other day and felt like a 2nd grader who left their coat at school. Maybe I should safety pin a reminder to my shirt...
